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Principal Scaled Leadership

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1 Principal Scaled Leadership

2 Assistant Superintendent
Scaled Leadership Dr. David K. Moore Assistant Superintendent School Improvement Overview

3 Outcome Statements Review the School Responsibilities for the AdvancED Accreditation Process Introduce the 7 School Quality Factors (SQFs) Align our MDCPS Practices to the SQFs Determine what Constitutes High Quality Evidence

4 Phase 1 (all schools) Phase 2 (selected schools)
Completed diagnostic on SQFs on eProve One piece of evidence per SQF uploaded Description of each attachment School site visits for selected schools Preparation for school-site visits Principal Interviews Preparation for Interviews Overview Responsibilities Purpose for today Phase 1: Surveys on SQF, 1 piece of evidence from their school per SQF, Respond within the comment area providing further information on the evidence they selected Phase 2: approx 60 schools will be selected to be visited, they will be notified, they will be provided prep for the observation and what 62 schools will be visited and 36 additional principals will be interviewed by the team. There will be a separate training for those schools being visited to discuss process and ELEOT observation standards and alignment to the FEI.

5 AdvancED School Quality Factors (SQFs) Diagnostic
Clear Direction Healthy Culture High Expectations Impact of Instruction Resource Management Efficacy of Engagement Implementation Capacity 9-12 Questions per SQF Completed Collaboratively 1 Piece of Evidence per SQF Connection Summary per Evidence Let’s not think too much on the AdvancED language. Let’s focus on how these factors align to our MDCPS practices. This activity will allow us to think of this as a crosswalk between the 2. Jig Saw with numbered heads, 1-7. Read the definition of one of the Seven Factors to get the gist, brainstorm and record several actions at the school site that align to this factor. After 10 mins ask each group member to share out their findings with the group. Each participant will take notes on the handout and add other ideas. We shared with our groups the aligned MDCPS practices for each SQFs. So let’s practice what the expectation is for you to do at your school sites with your leadership team. For the sake of this presentation and practice we are going to guide you through the process using Resource Management. You already shared out the MDCPS practices aligned to this SQF. Let’s share out.

6 AdvancED 7 School Quality Factors (SQFs)
Clear Direction Healthy Culture High Expectations Impact of Instruction Resource Management Efficacy of Engagement Implementation Capacity Let’s not think too much on the AdvancED language. Let’s focus on how these factors align to our MDCPS practices. This activity will allow us to think of this as a crosswalk between the 2. Jig Saw with numbered heads, 1-7. Read the definition of one of the Seven Factors to get the gist, brainstorm and record several actions at the school site that align to this factor. After 10 mins ask each group member to share out their findings with the group. Each participant will take notes on the handout and add other ideas. We shared with our groups the aligned MDCPS practices for each SQFs. So let’s practice what the expectation is for you to do at your school sites with your leadership team. For the sake of this presentation and practice we are going to guide you through the process using Resource Management. You already shared out the MDCPS practices aligned to this SQF. Let’s share out.

7 School Quality Factor MDCPS Aligned Practices
Resource Management Budget Conferences Title 1/3 Budgets Interventions (Plans, Funding) Technology Grants Instructional Coaches Before/After/Saturday School Tutorials School Quality Factor MDCPS Aligned Practices Here is a list of some of the MDCPS practices you may have thought of during the brainstorming. Describe each one. Hone in on the strongest practice (interventions due to the use of funds and human capital). (2 minutes) At your tables, write down all the evidence that demonstrates that intervention takes place at your school (list in the column labeled Possible Artifacts).

8 Evidence Evidence can be an artifact/document, a chart, a link to a picture/video/website, etc. Intervention calendars/schedules OPM data/tracker Hiring/Training of Interventionists L25 Learning Gains data Purchase of resources to be used with intervention students Three year trend data Share out Here is a sample of the pieces of evidence you may have mentioned Look at the list and let’s consider the evidence. How do we evaluate the evidence presented?

9 Initiate Improve Impact
Continuum for Selecting Quality Evidence Initiate Improve Impact Demonstrates engagement and quality of implementation New System Demonstrates the use of results to support improvement, particularly results over time Implementation & Analysis Demonstrates changes to professional practices and organizational culture Impacted Student Learning AdvancED has a continuum to assist in determining the evidence that is high-quality and results-based. Review parts of continuum Participants should consider: Initiate: focus on structure/implementation of practice/process; CIM (Share an example- schedule of intervention schedule) Improve: focus on building efficacy of practice/process; final impact on student learning (Share an example- data trackers) Impact: practice/process has resulted in impact on student learning (Share an example- 3 year trend data) Let participants know the expectation is: -5 out of 7 of the SQFs should lie between the improve and impact levels (sustainability between practice and impact) - initiate can be considered if there is powerful practice which will result in student impact (primary and secondary essential practices) - at least one piece of evidence should be uploaded for each SQF Groups refer to their note-taking sheet- Resource Management list and identify evidence that falls into impact. Share out. Let’s look at our list of evidence for Resource Management. Is there any evidence at the Impact level?

10 Evidence Intervention calendars/schedules OPM data/tracker
Hiring/Training of Interventionists L25 learning gains data Purchase of resources to be used with intervention students Three year trend data Which one do you consider at the Impact level?

11 Initiate Improve Impact
Resource Management- Intervention Initiate Improve Impact Intervention Schedules Hiring/Training of Interventionists Purchase of resources to be used with intervention students Ongoing Progress Monitoring (OPM) Data Trackers Three Year Trend Data L 25 Learning Gains Share Out Table Findings Evidence provided should only reflect the progress of the practice within the continuum. If the practice is at the impact level then evidence should not include initiate or improve. Discuss Chart and why in each section

12 Connection Summary In conjunction with the attachment (evidence) selected for each SQF, a description is required under the Comments/Insights/Summary section. Comments/Insights/Summary should include: An explanation of the evidence and what it represents. An overview of action that has led to the current level of implementation (Initiate, Improve, Impact). The connection to the SQF. Attachments section should include: A brief statement describing the artifact. *All artifacts uploaded at the end of the diagnostic. Requirement- This is the narrative of the evidence selected. A short narrative paragraph. Share sample.

13 Example of Evidence Attachment & Narrative
Make sure narrative aligns to SQF that MDCPS practice aligns to

14 Let’s Practice... Share Outs
Think of your Academic Programs Sustained Practice Align it to an SQF Identify all types of evidence for this practice Select the evidence that falls closest to the Impact level Practice writing the connection summary for the evidence selected Share at your table (If time) When groups share out, participants add to the last column of the SQF, possible artifacts. Give out “Cheat Sheet” handout Share Outs

15 Weekly Briefing will provide information regarding:
eProve Weekly Briefing will provide information regarding: Accessing eProve Completing the SQF Diagnostic Uploading all Artifacts

16 Important Dates Middle of October Briefing with details on SQF
Diagnostic Middle of November Selected principals for school site visits and interviews will be notified Beginning of December AdvancED available for Diagnostic and upload December 19th AdvancED eProve Diagnostic, Artifact upload and Summary Connections completed We’re not sure on these dates

17 Questions? All AdvancED training materials will be available on

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