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The Great Debate The Path to Riches Trade Delta

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1 The Great Debate The Path to Riches Trade Delta
By Ken Hodor

2 Common Comparison Delta Theta With scaling you only need to be close
Make money With scaling you only need to be close Make money

3 Difference Comparison
Delta Theta 0.30 * 1 per day or greater >5 times more bang for $ $85 margin Capable of using more capital more efficiently Make more money…quicker @30 delta only per day $200 margin Make less money

4 Trading Delta Start trading Delta on stocks and options
Excellent preparation for trading Forex 100 to 1 leverage Futures 20 to 1 or higher leverage

5 Turn $10,000 into $1 Million How I Made One Million Dollars Last Year Trading Commodities By Larry Williams Traded Delta

6 Jesse Livermore Trading Rules
Enter trade in direction of the general market Only when market confirms direction Exit when trend has ended Never average down Never meet a margin call –get out of the trade Go long when new high…sell short when new low.

7 Improve Odds Stochastic 80% RSI 80% Scale into position
All at once is arrogant –no one knows the future Use 4 scales However exit if violates longer-term trend Use emergency exit

8 Stochastic trading From:

9 GG 46 July ‘10 Call

10 GG Delta vs Theta Trading Results

11 Expectancy Trade Delta Trade Theta Greater than 1 Less than 1
Expectancy (Retail) = 1.38 Expectancy (IRA) = 2.36 Expectancy (Forex) = 10.2 Less than 1

12 The Expectancy Formula
From our game example: Our Winning Percentage (W) = 33% Our Losing Percentage (L) = 67% Our Average Profit (P) = $250 Our Average Risk (R)--Loss = $100 W P (0.33) x 250 E = - L - E = 0.67 R 100 - E = 0.83 0.67 E = 0.16 From Rick Edwards Expectancy presentation on

13 IRA Probability of Win 82% Average Win $ 378.00 Probability of Loss
$ Probability of Loss 18% Average Loss $ (122.00) Expectancy 2.36

14 Retail Trading SSO Probability of Win 73% Average Win $ 84.00
$ Probability of Loss 27% Average Loss $ (37.00) Expectancy 1.38

15 Forex Probability of Win 83% Average Win $ 3,144.00
$ 3,144.00 Probability of Loss 17% Average Loss $ (250.00) Expectancy 10.21

16 Forex ROM(Return On Margin)

17 Emotional Characteristics
Trade Delta Trade Theta Reward/Risk > 2 Patience waiting for entry and exit Trade any instrument on any market Trade any time frame Minutes, Hours, Days… Capable of full back-tested automation Reward/Risk <= 1 Patience waiting for small gain Trade only liquid optionable markets Trade weekly or monthly Cannot be back-tested

18 Delta Trading Summary Trade any instrument on any market
Greatest leverage of time and money Like horse shoes…only better Just need to be close to direction Take profits while horseshoe in mid air You do not have to wait 5 times longer or end of month Use Optimal f or Kelly Bet to size position

19 Conclusion “Stand on the shoulders of Giants”
The way to true wealth is learning to trade delta

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