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The 2015 Chapter/Section Officer Training Workshop

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1 The 2015 Chapter/Section Officer Training Workshop
The 2015 Chapter/Section Officer Training Workshop begins with a full breakfast from 7:30 AM to 8:15 AM, and ends when lunch is finished at ~ 1:00 PM.  There is no cost to attend. The intervening time is packed with information to get Chapter officers  (and potential volunteers) up to speed!  At the conclusion of the workshop: 1: The first 100 on-site registrants may pick up their IEEE-branded gift item 2: A drawing will be held for a $100 Fry's Electronics Gift Certificate for those present.

2 The 2015 Chapter/Section Officer Training Workshop
Registration .. First 100 on-site registrants get a gift     …. From 7:00 AM Breakfast Buffet     ………………………… ……………  7:30 –8:15 AM Welcome & Opening Remarks   8:15 – 8:30 AM Session A: ALL Officers                                                   8:30 – 10:00 AM Break .. (Grab your coffee and move to next session) ...10:00 – 10:15 AM Session B and                              10:15 – 11:50 AM Break lunch setup      11:50 - Noon Luncheon Buffet Banquet  …………… Noon – 1:00 PM Closing  ……………………………………………………. 12:45 – 1:00 PM

3 The 2015 Chapter/Section Officer Training Workshop
8:15 Welcome & Opening Remarks      Jonathan Burrows, Outgoing SFBAC Secretary 8:20  Today's Session Contents Ed Aoki, Outgoing SFBAC Treasurer Some presenters from previous years are at Region 6 OpCom (San Diego)

4 The 2015 Chapter/Section Officer Training Workshop
Session A: For ALL Officers 8: :30 AM 8:35   Striving For a Grade A Chapter   by Ron Kane, OEB Webmaster, past Council chair 9:00   Chapter Finances: New NetSuite Submissions and Lessons Learned on L50+ Bank_Upload_Templates By Jason Chan, SCV Section Treasurer ( ) 9:45 SAM-IEEE: Easy Chapter Demographics – pre-test at home from “SFBAC” Folder by  Ed Aoki, SCV Section Chair ( )

5 The 2015 Chapter/Section Officer Training Workshop
Session B and tables 10:15 to 11:50 AM                                                      10:15  - 11:15 AM vTools: Meeting Reports, New Officers Reporting, Elections by  Marguerite Gargiula (IEEE-MGA, Information Management)

6 The 2015 Chapter/Section Officer Training Workshop
Session B and Networking with the Experts Experts :15 –11:50 11:50                                            11:15  Networking:(vTools) --  Marguerite Gargiula 11:15  Networking: Chapter Finances and details on lessons learned -- Jason Chan 11:15  Networking: SAMIEEE Made Easy; examples of SAMIEEE downloads and problems experienced by Chapters --  Ed Aoki 11:15  Networking: Grade A Chapter; discuss opportunities to grow and improve --  Ron Kane

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