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What does this mean for America?

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Presentation on theme: "What does this mean for America?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What does this mean for America?
End of Reconstruction What does this mean for America?

2 Learning Targets Success Criteria Understand how the end of Reconstruction changed lives. I can list and describe at least four ways that impacted African Americans at the end of Reconstruction. Understand the economic issues of the end of Reconstruction. I can give examples of high and low people in the economy after Reconstruction.

3 Election of 1876 Rutherford B. Hayes (Republican) vs. Sam Tilden (Democrat Fraud? Electoral Commission 8 Republicans and 7 Democrats Compromise of 1877 Hayes would get presidency Withdraw remaining troops from the south Cabinet position Fed. Leg. Supporting industry to South Appoint more Democrats to Southern positions

4 Northern Support Wanes
“Grantism” & corruption. Panic of 1873 [6-year depression]. Economic bubble popped Concern over westward expansion and Indian wars. Sand Creek Massacre Battle of Little Big Horn Wounded Knee Dawes Act Expansion Homestead Act -12o acres

5 Sharecroppers

6 Implications for African Americans
Sharecropping 1875 Civil Rights Act Supreme Court- unconstitutional 1883 KKK Enforcement Acts of Known as the KKK Acts Lynching Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) “Separate but Equal” It will NEVER be equal. Contradicts the 14th Amendment

7 Jim Crow laws What does it mean? System of segregation
Local and state laws Literacy tests For voting purposes Poll taxes Grandfather Clause

8 New Business Culture Laissez Faire  the ideology of the Industrial Age. Individual as a moral and economic ideal. Individuals should compete freely in the marketplace. The market was not man-made or invented. No room for government in the market!

9 Captains of Industry or Robber Barons??
John D. Rockefeller Standard Oil Andrew Carnegie Carnegie Steel Co.

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