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Life in the 1930s Continued.

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1 Life in the 1930s Continued

2 Inequality in the 30s Relief was most often given to men, since it was assumed that women would live with their family. Vancouver, 1930: 5244 single men on relief, only 155 single women

3 Intolerance In 1930, Prairie governments started charging Natives who hunted on government land. Immigrants deported/discriminated against Anti-Semitism “None is too many”

4 Escapism People had little money for entertainment during the 30s, but needed it more than ever Movies Radio News

5 Movies Began the tradition of Canadian stars in Hollywood movies
Canadian children in the 30s saw, on average, 12 movies a year.

6 Radio Most inexpensive at-home entertainment
Millions were captivated by news reported live over radio Sports, music also reached audiences of millions

7 Sensational! Moose River, Nova Scotia. 50,000,000 North American listeners “Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Canadian Radio Commission calling North America from Moose River… those men are coming out alive!” Dionne Quintuplets

8 Events Fairs Exhibitions Revivals

9 Bonus slide

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