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BY DR. VIJAY P. SINGH SPECIAL STATE PROJECT DIRECTOR SSA/RMSA DELHI Role of Principals/Vice Principals (HoS) in Implementing SSA and RMSA.

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Presentation on theme: "BY DR. VIJAY P. SINGH SPECIAL STATE PROJECT DIRECTOR SSA/RMSA DELHI Role of Principals/Vice Principals (HoS) in Implementing SSA and RMSA."— Presentation transcript:

1 BY DR. VIJAY P. SINGH SPECIAL STATE PROJECT DIRECTOR SSA/RMSA DELHI Role of Principals/Vice Principals (HoS) in Implementing SSA and RMSA

2 Activities /Actions at School Level To ensure proper utilization of SSA grants (School Grant, Maintenance Grant and Teacher Grant) and keep proper records. Submission of Utilization Certificate of all the above Grants in the prescribed format to DPO. Implementation of Learning Enhancement Programme (LEP) activities for enhancing the Quality of Learning i.e. Use of BHARKHA series, MEENA Material and other Teaching Learning Material. To oversee all the Developmental work at school

3 Activities /Actions at School Level Contd… To ensure enrollment of all eligible children in the catchment area (Section 3 of RtE Act 2009). Conducting Survey of all the children in the age group of 6-14 years in the catchment area (Role of local authority - Section 9 (d) of RtE Act 2009). Creating conducive environment for Children with Special Needs with zero rejection policy (Section 4 of RtE Act 2009). Preparation of School Development plan in view of the trends of enrolment in school and requirement of infrastructure, material and human resource (Section 21 (2) of RtE Act 2009).

4 Activities /Actions at School Level Contd… To ensure optimum PTR and SCR as per schedule in the RtE Act, 2009 (1:40 for Primary and 1:35 for Uprimary). To ensure availability of physical infrastructure (Classroom, Toilets, Drinking Water and electricity etc. To organize special classes in the school for children belonging to weaker section. To ensure the smooth functioning of CAL Lab and allocating period in the time table. Monitoring the activities under civil work in the school premises. Submission of accurate DISE/SEMIS Data on time.

5 Activities /Actions at School Level Contd… To constitute SMCs as per guidelines and hold regular meetings and keep record of the proceedings (Section 22(1) of RtE Act 2009). To display for public all the information pertaining to Enrolment of Children, Availability of Teachers, Receipt and utilization of Grants (SSA Framework MHRD 2008). To make efforts for Special Training of Out of School Children to prepare them for their induction in the age appropriate class (Section 4 of RtE Act 2009). To supervise Special Training of Out of School Children in and outside the school (if run by any NGO in the catchment area of the school).

6 Activities /Actions at School Level Contd… To ensure that all children attending the Special Training are enrolled in the school and provided all the benefits of regular students such as MDM, Text books, scholarship etc. To provide all required information to CRC Coordinators. To mobilize Community for their support in the management of school and identification and enrolment of all children in the school. To ensure that all teachers perform their duties as per Section 24 of RtE Act 2009. MANDATORY: To have a separate account for SSA Grants at school level with two signatories of SMC

7 RMSA To plan and utilize the grants for Students Excursions Teachers tours Repair and maintenance of Labs Library Grants Grants for Water, Electricity and Telephone expenses To develop and implement School improvement Plan To have careful eye on all type infrastructural/augmaentaion work at school MANDATORY: To have a separate account for RMSA Grants at school level with two signatories of SDMC

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