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(in preparation for A.P. III Writing)

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1 (in preparation for A.P. III Writing)
Synthesis Writing (in preparation for A.P. III Writing)

2 What is Synthesis Writing?
It’s similar to a DBQ essay that many of you know of (Document Based Question). Basically is kind of a mini-research paper (with the research already picked out for you) but written in a timed format, with some opinion (ACT writing style) mixed in.

3 What is Synthesis Writing?
Ultimately it’s a synthesis question. So…what does the term “synthesis” mean? To synthesize means to blend, to combine, to narrow down to its most essential element. In terms of this assignment, your synthesis applies to finding information from the documents and taking the best arguments and information from these documents that you can apply to your essay.

4 Importance & Relevance
This type of assignment is used in A.P. English classes in the years to come. It’s similar to ACT writing in that you take a position and support it (and in doing so you should offer counter-arguments to the other side’s position). Persuasive writing runs throughout almost every type of writing that you do in one way or another (not just A.P. English writing). Virtually any discussion/debate you have on a topic is aided by support from other opinions, facts, examples, etc…

5 Basics of the Synthesis Essay
A (fairly) current events topic will be laid out for you. You will read a number (usually 5, 6, or 7) of documents (articles, charts, even cartoons) on the topic. These articles will be split on different sides of the issue. You will have 15 minutes to read and annotate these articles.



8 Do you favor or oppose a new amendment to prohibit the burning or other desecration of the American flag?

9 Basics of the Synthesis Essay
Then you will be asked to defend, challenge/ refute, or qualify the stated position within your essay. You should explicitly refer to at least three sources in your essay. You will have 40 minutes to write this essay. Note: early next week we will do this for an essay grade. On Monday, you will get 15 minutes to read the sources. You will turn those sources back in at the end of the period and then you will write your essay on Tuesday.

10 Suggested Approach to Reading the Articles
You have 15 minutes to read and annotate the articles (if you take more, you have less time to write). Quickly scan the articles and annotate. You won’t have the specific prompt yet but you should basically understand the direction it’s heading. Note where the authors of the articles stand on the topic (and if there is author bias, etc…). Also, pay attention to what type of persuasive techniques each author is using (ethos, pathos, logos, etc…)

11 Suggested Approach to Reading the Articles
With the previous slide in mind, the suggested approach to tackling the topic is to… Understand the topic as you scan the document titles, etc… Then decide where you stand/what you believe on this issue Then read the documents and choose the ones that support your belief.

12 Suggested Approach to Reading the Articles
So basically you are not reading the articles and letting them make up your mind. Instead you are reading the articles to find support for your views.

13 Suggested Writing Techniques with the Synthesis Essay
Be clear with your stance on the topic – don’t waver. Use support from the sources that validate your position.

14 Suggested Writing Techniques with the Synthesis Essay
Be sure to offer counter arguments to the other side’s position – debunk their argument. Note – you do not have to refer to specific documents here. I would suggest doing this in your last body paragraph (after you’ve stated ideas/sources that support your position).

15 Other Points to Consider
Don’t try to use too many sources (more is not necessarily better in this case). Three sources is usually fine. You can/should have some of your own opinions and support but you must have ample support from the documents as well. Remember there is no right or wrong side to the topic. You could do well on your essay writing on either side.

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