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MLA Style – Internal Citations

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1 MLA Style – Internal Citations

2 Internal citations format – very basic basics
Typical internal citations include the author’s last name and a page number inside parentheses Example: (Ford 238). End the sentence after closing the parentheses – use a period

3 Example in a paragraph While Henry is preoccupied with his quest to be with Keiko, he neglects to see the complications he is causing for his mother. Upon his return from visiting Camp Minidoka, Mrs. Lee speaks to Henry in a judgmental way for the first time. She responds to Henry’s combative questions about his father’s decision to send Henry to China by declaring, “’This is his house. You are his son!’” (Ford 238). Mrs. Lee has been accommodating to Henry’s friendship with Keiko in a quiet way thus far. Henry’s recent actions of running away have pushed her to a breaking point, wherein she must acknowledge her loyalty to Henry’s father.

4 Internal Citations for Hotel Lit Analysis
MUST state the full name of the piece of literature AND the author’s name in the introductory paragraph of your essay After that info is stated, the internal citations will be short and simple (since we are only using 1 source in the entire paper) (238). Page number and period only

5 Other notes about quotes
ALWAYS introduce a quote – explain what the quote tells/why its being used Separate your introductory phrase from the quote with a comma Quoted material NEVER stands alone She responds to Henry’s combative questions about his father’s decision to send Henry to China by declaring, “’This is his house. You are his son!’” (238).

6 Other notes about quotes
When quoting dialogue, use a set of quotation marks “ to begin Then, add a single ‘ to acknowledge that you’re quoting dialogue She responds to Henry’s combative questions about his father’s decision to send Henry to China by declaring, “’This is his house. You are his son!’” (238).

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