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Definition Paleolimnology is the study of water life and sediments from preexisting geological time periods.

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3 Definition Paleolimnology is the study of water life and sediments from preexisting geological time periods.

4 What we wanted to find out was:
What can sediment tell us about the history of Dells Pond?

5 Coring Porosity Chlorophyll Percent Organic Matter Percent CaCO3 Diatoms Dating Grainsize Phosphorous








13 About 1956 (40cm) there is an increase in both Calcium Carbonate and Chlorophyll which is typical (that they are together). At this time there is also a decrease in Stephanodiscus and a rise in Aulacoseira. Throughout the core organic matter is on a decline possibly due to some soil erosion.


15 Definition The scientific study of bodies of fresh water, as lakes and ponds, with reference to their physical, geographical, biological, and other features.

16 Gain background knowledge of the two engineered ponds at the Beaver Creek Field Station for future reference.

17 Zooplankton Vegetation Tadpole Turbidity Phosphorous Nitrate


19 Scientific Eupatorium perfoliatum Euthamia graminifolia Phalaris Eleocharis palustris Alisma gromineum Agrostis perennans Catabrosa aquatica Etytrigia repens Bromus inermis Daucus carota Common Boneset, thoroughwort Golden rod Canary grass Spike rush Narrowleaf water plantain Autumn bent grass Brook grass Quack grass Smooth brome Queen Anne’s lace



22 I put on the waders with my shoes still on!

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