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Shaping Smart Sustainable Cities

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1 Shaping Smart Sustainable Cities
Cristina Bueti, Adviser, ITU

2 What is the city but the people?
William Shakespeare What is the city but the people? (William Shakespeare) Sustania: Cities are responsible for more than 70% of global greenhouse gas emissions and account for 60-80% of global energy consumption. Cities over time: 200 years ago, just 3 of every 100 people lived in cities. In 2020, 80% of the population in developed countries and 51% in developing countries live in cities.

3 A Glance from the Present to the Future (Forecasts from 2010 to 2020)
Global emissions of CO 2, Gt Global population, billion people Number of electric and hybrid cars globally, million cars People living in cities, per cent Produced output in USD per ton CO 2 emitted Share of renewable in the EU out of total energy production, per cent Share of wind energy in the total electricity production globally

4 Which Cities? Smart? Inclusive? Creative? Innovative? Sustainable?
Smart Scenarios: Smart Governance: Government: access and enable interaction with government service providers Retail, finance, marketing: contactless payment, customized branding and advertising Smart Living: Health care: increase efficiency in health service delivery, personalized health solutions Security: tracking and anti-theft solutions Industrial: Efficient factory, supply chain and logistics Smart Mobility: Automotive / Transport: connected cars, smart road-side infrastructure, emergency notification, driver assistance systems, car sharing, navigation, driverless car Smart Environment: Utilities: smart grid and water supply Consumer: Smart buildings, home automation Sustainable? Digital?

5 The Role of Green ICT Standards in Shaping Smart Sustainable Cities
Standardizing Monitoring Accounting Rethinking Transforming Call to Action on Smart Sustainable Cities Paris, France Call to Action Key priorities to boost the development of sustainable smart cities: Mitigation to Climate Change & Reduction of the ICT Footprint in Cities Energy Efficiency Waste Management Water Management Adaptation to Climate Change and Urban Planning Smart Architecture and Infrastructure Smart Mobility Suburban Areas Community Engagement and Environmental Justice Sustainable Cities

6 Transforming tomorrow… … smart thinking is here already!
This is not some Fantastic 4 meet Minority Report fantasy of life in the future, where we all walk around in metallic jumpsuits. Smart thinking is here already. … smart thinking is here already!

7 Tomorrow's cities, today's technologies
London, UK Dublin, Ireland Amsterdam, The Netherlands Turin, Italy Boston, USA Songdo, Korea Fortunately, smart-city solutions needn't belong to a sci-fi future. Much of the technology is already available Tomorrow's cities, today's technologies Singapore Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Masdar, UAE Barcelona, Spain Johannesburg, South Africa

8 Turin Roadmap: Towards a Planet of Smart Sustainable Cities
1. Defining: Smart sustainable cities. 2. Engaging cities: Charter for Smart Sustainable Cities with measurable objectives. 3. Adopting a holistic approach: enhance cooperation among all relevant smart city stakeholders. 4. Standardizing: methodology for assessing the environmental impact of ICTs in cities in collaboration with relevant organisations and experts. 5. Developing: set of key performance indicators (KPIs) 6. Best practices and lessons learned: exchange platform of successful practices. 7. Behavioral change for sustainable development. 8. Advocacy: on-going dialogue on cities and smart sustainable city policies. 9. Measuring success: create pilot demonstration and business models 10. Mobilizing expertise: in relevant ITU Study Groups, and other groups as appropriate to pursue work in this important area. At the 8th ITU Symposium on ICT, Environment and climate change in Turin, together with policy makers, smart city stakeholders, and relevant international and regional organizations, we have identified the key steps of building smart sustainable cities worldwide such as the followings: 1. Define smart sustainable cities (SSC) and the role of ICTs in SSC development 2. Engage cities into committing themselves to SSC development by establishing a Charter for SSC 3. Adopt a holistic approach to SSC in order to enhance cooperation among SSC stakeholders at all international, regional, national, and local levels. 4. Standardize a methodology for assessing the environmental impact of ICTs. 5. Develop a set of key performance indicators which would allow cities to monitor sustainability impact of ICTs overtime 6. Identify the best practices by establishing a platform where SSC can provide information on the implementation of successful practices. 7. Promote education, lifelong learning and behavioral change for sustainable development. 8. Advocate the integration of ICT policies into the on-giong dialogies on cities in organization such as the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), United Nation Environment Programme (UNEP), United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC), World Meteorological Organization (WMO), thus to facilitate collaboration between ICT stakeholders and SSC stakeholders. 9. Carry out pilot projects to demonstrate “smart sustainable” ICT solutions to build smart sustainable cities by utilizing new technologies and international standards. 10. Mobilizing expertise in relevant ITU Study Groups, and other groups as appropriate to pursue work in this important area.

9 What ITU does to shape Smart Sustainable Cities…
Focus Group on Smart Sustainable Cities ITU-T Study Group 5 Environment and Climate Change Focus Group on Smart Water Management Organized by ITU and Telefónica

10 Research & Development
A new case study on Korea and “ … the quantification of GHG reduction effects achieved by ICTs” was published in May 2013. The purpose of this report is to demonstrate the potential GHG reductions by ICT services, estimate the reduced volume of GHG, and identify major ICT GHG reduction enablers in Korea. This report follows the methodology described in ITU-T Recommendation L.1410 and comprises a review of more than 30 ICT services through a literature study and global benchmarking. Demonstrate the potential GHG abatement of “Greening by ICTs” solutions in Korea between 2011 and 2020; The methodology used is Recommendation ITU-T L.1410.

11 Moving forward on Smart Sustainable Cities…
Workshop on Smart Sustainable Cities – Lima, Peru, 5 December 2013 Meeting of the Focus Group on Smart Sustainable Cities – Lima, Peru, 6 December 2013 ITU-T Study Group 5 meeting - Lima, Peru, 2-13 December 2013 ITU/UNESCO Events on Smart Sustainable Cities – Montevideo, Uruguay, March 2014 Other ITU events… Greening the Future: Bridging the Standardization Gap on Environmental Sustainability - Colombo, Sri Lanka, 3-4 October 2013 ITU/CITEL Workshop on Environmentally Sound Management of E-waste - Mendoza, Argentina, 9 October 2013 Joint Coordination Activity on ICT and Climate Change – Lima, Peru, 5 December 2013 Meeting of the Focus Group on Smart Water Management – Lima, Peru, 10 December 2013.

12 Envisioning a Sustainable Future…
Cities should have long-term sustainability ambitions The role of international standards and policies is key. Smart sustainable city should be seen as a “System of Systems”. City leaders to partner effectively with other levels of governments, ICT industry, NGOs, Universities, etc.

13 “Work for the good of the society of young people and the elderly” 22 July 2013, Pope Francis

14 Links & Additional Information
ITU-T and climate change ITU and climate change ITU Symposia & Events on ICTs and Climate Change Contact Cristina Bueti:

15 Thank you

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