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The New ArkDB Database Andy Law et al..

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Presentation on theme: "The New ArkDB Database Andy Law et al.."— Presentation transcript:

1 The New ArkDB Database Andy Law et al.

2 The History ArkDB – designed to handle genetic linkage mapping data
Written as cgi using webintool and ingres

3 The plan Rewrite in java over postgres Build: A web application
An applet to draw the maps A webstart application An API to the data model

4 The demo

5 The new Use Case Use the power of comparative genomics to investigate quantitative trait loci

6 The new Use Case Linkage Map Radiation Hybrid Map Cytogenetic Pig
EST2 EST1 Linkage Map Radiation Hybrid Map Cytogenetic Pig Human Chicken BAC1 BAC2 BAC3 Physical Mapping Expression Analysis Trait location Fat Linked References

7 The parallel project ComparaGRID

8 The bits that it’s built on
There are ‘things’ Markers, clones, maps, sequences, arrays, chromosomes, phenotypes… There are ‘relationships’ Sequence similarity, mappings, hybridisations, linkage disequilibrium…

9 RDF subject-predicate-object
e.g. ([{The Sky} {has_colour} {blue}]) Aim to represent all our relationships using this pattern

10 Extensions In our system, the objects carry attribution/publication sources ([{The Sky} {is} {falling}] [Chicken Licken]) ... and the assertions are objects too ([Assertion1] [{GeneX} {has_orthologue} {GeneY}] [PubMed:1234]) So we can represent ([Assertion2] [{Assertion1} {is} {false}] [Andy Law])

11 Pre-requisites Need to define the relationships – an ontology
“The only thing that ontologists agree on is that they disagree with each other (and everyone else). They reserve the right to disagree over what it is they disagree over.”

12 The new Use Case Linkage Map Radiation Hybrid Map Cytogenetic Pig
EST2 EST1 Linkage Map Radiation Hybrid Map Cytogenetic Pig Human Chicken BAC1 BAC2 BAC3 Physical Mapping Expression Analysis Trait location Fat Linked References

13 Pre-Requisites II Is my trait the same as yours?
E.g. Fat Back fat depth Marbling Abdominal fat pad Tri-glyceride metabolism

14 Tuesday 16th Advert Dover Room 1pm to 5pm
Animal Trait Ontology Discussion Part of the Animal QTL Database Meeting Tuesday 16th 1pm to 5pm Dover Room

15 The new Use Case Linkage Map Radiation Hybrid Map Cytogenetic Pig
EST2 EST1 Linkage Map Radiation Hybrid Map Cytogenetic Pig Human Chicken BAC1 BAC2 BAC3 Physical Mapping Expression Analysis Trait location Fat Linked References

16 It’s all about relationships
Immensely complex to define But, from the user’s perspective it’s all about ducks If it looks like a duck… There’s a lot going on under the surface

17 More info and feedback ArkDB ComparaGRID Roslin Bioinformatics
ComparaGRID Roslin Bioinformatics

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