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Chapter 4.2 Human Population.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 4.2 Human Population."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 4.2 Human Population

2 Demography Study of: Human population size Density and distribution
Movement Birth and death rates

3 World Population The Earth’s population grew slowly before 1800
The Industrial Revolution and Green Revolution allowed for human population to grow EXPONENTIALLY for the past 200 years Modern medicine and technology allows for more humans to survive today than ever before

4 Human Population Growth

5 Population Growth Rate
Factors that affect population growth rate: Births Deaths Immigration Emigration (Birthrate + Immigration) – (Death rate + Emigration) = Population Growth Rate

6 Age Structure Age structure is the proportion of the population at different age levels Also shows the proportion of male vs. female Rapidly growing populations have a large proportion of children and teenagers Stable populations have about the same proportion of all ages No growth populations have less children than adults


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