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English II Argument and Research.

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Presentation on theme: "English II Argument and Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 English II Argument and Research

2 Flashback Quiz What are the fours types of evidence we learned about in last class. You may use your notes. 1. 2. 3. 4.

3 Review What do you know about an essay?

4 Review What is the difference between an informational essay and an argument?

5 Argument vs. Informational
Paragraph by paragraph

6 Essay ______ ________ _______ __________

7 Basic structure: Introduction Topic sentence Background information
Thesis statement or claim

8 Body 1, Body 2, Body 3 Topic sentence Evidence Explanation

9 Conclusion Review main points in 2-3 sentences.

10 Essay Types Informational Essay Argumentative Essay

11 Look at The Two Essays Read them and as a group identify if it is an Argumentative essay or an informational essay. Explain how you know what type it is.



14 Exit Quiz What is the biggest difference between an informational essay and an argumentative essay?

15 November 12 Target: I can research a topic Agenda: iSafe video
Go over outline Finish research Write introduction Begin reading Act 1

16 November 14 Target: I can paraphrase the information form a quote.
Agenda: Quiz Reading with questions View first part of film Body 1 of essay

17 November 20 Target: I can analyze the aspects of a character. Agenda:
Characterization Character chart Facebook activity Present Exit Slip

18 Characterization The character’s personality and motivations. Actions
Dialogue (what they say) Choices

19 As we read, look for characterization

20 Facebook Use the character chart to create a Facebook page for your character. Complete the about section on the page Use only the personality of the character. Become friends with the other characters that you are friends with in the book.

21 Exit Slip Explain a character’s personality and motivation with evidence form the book. A,C,E The character ____________ is ___________. I know this because the book says, ____________________________________. This proves that the character is ___________ because _______________________________.

22 Quiz Name the 4 types of evidence 1. 2. 3. 4.

23 November 24 Target: I can Write a body paragraph. Paragraph notes
Writing Watch scene

24 Research Essay Does you culture believe in the supernatural?

25 Outline Introduction:
Topic My culture believes in the supernatural. Background: what is the supernatural? Thesis statement: My culture believes in witches, ghosts, and magic.

26 Body 1 Topic: Evidence: Explain the evidence:
My culture believes in witches. Evidence: Tell me what it is and give evidence from a website. Explain the evidence: The evidence shows that ….

27 Body 2 Topic: Evidence: Explain the evidence:
My culture believes in ghosts. Evidence: Tell me what it is and give evidence from a website. Explain the evidence: The evidence shows that ….

28 Body 3 Topic: Evidence: Explain the evidence:
My culture believes in magic. Evidence: Tell me what it is and give evidence from a website. Explain the evidence: The evidence shows that ….

29 Conclusion Overall, my culture believes in witches, ghosts, and magic. My culture also believes in many more supernatural things.

30 Evidence Evidence: Website



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