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Symbolic Interactionism

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1 Symbolic Interactionism
How we make sense out of life. The product of the everyday interactions of individuals and society is composed of symbols people use to establish meaning, communicate with one another, and develop their views of the world.

2 Learning: What’s That?

3 Learning: Some possible answers: A Sports Car A Dodge Viper
An Ugly Color A Fast Car A Car A Green Car

4 Symbols The 2 symbols she learned was green and car.
It is now internalized through our INTERACTION. When this is internalized and accepted as real she will recognize that another green car can still exist besides the same car she saw with me. Example: At daycare while playing in the yard she see’s another green car go by. She will be able to point and tell her teacher “look a green car”


6 The end of the world scenario
Only 150 people have survived a nuclear holocaust: What kind of decisions will need to be made? Who will lead us? Who will work? How will things be provided? Who will do what? Will we wear clothes? What will certain things mean? An earing in the left ear? Will we have children? How do we carry out our new interactions?

7 Putting it all together
Societies are built from the ground up, this is called a MICROLEVEL theory. Each person in the society must also share similar view points to one another. Therefore each symbol means the same thing across individuals. (A thumbs up is a thumbs up.) Things can change: (example) The meaning of the word Gay

8 Putting it all together
Compromise and Negotiation: Dating Couple Example Her: Mad that he doesn’t call/text Him: Not a big deal just saw you How will they handle this issue moving forward? What will be the new norm? What will be expected of each other from now on?

9 Putting it all together
Ukraine, Russia, and USA Negotiations are happening right now. We are determining what will be the new norm in dealing with turf wars in Crimea. What will be the reaction from Kiev and Moscow?

10 Putting it all together
Symbols: TV Shows Movies Clothing Words/Language Music Gestures Interactions: Talking to one another Watching how others act Listening to what people tell you is right/wrong Any transfer of knowledge

11 How are social problems created?
If meaning is created through people assigning a symbol meaning then a problem can only be created if the people agree that it is a problem. Example: Same Sex Marriage- Homosexuality is considered a sin, not accepted into our culture, the majority of people still do not want gays and lesbians to be able to get married. In America it is not allowed, However, in South Africa, New Zealand, The Netherlands and 15 other countries it is permitted. Why?

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