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Movie Poster Analysis Presentation Guidance & Tips

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Presentation on theme: "Movie Poster Analysis Presentation Guidance & Tips"— Presentation transcript:

1 Movie Poster Analysis Presentation Guidance & Tips

2 Overview Aiming for about 5 minutes (this includes some time for students to write and talk) You need to look deeply into the poster, notice details, and SPECULATE, EVALUATE, & EXPLAIN!

3 A Couple Overriding Tips
When you are putting bullet points up on a slide (and you’ll eventually have several points), put them up one by one - NOT all at the same time. Also, remember you are being graded by an English teacher so you shouldn’t have spelling and/or grammatical mistakes, etc.... in your PowerPoint.

4 Step by Step Presentation
Intro your poster (why/how you choose it, something at least a little interesting) Class does their initial reaction (~30 or 45 seconds) Get feedback (and work with/validate their responses)

5 Step by Step Presentation
Your initial reaction (and might want to quickly show different versions of your movie poster if that’s applicable) Your predictions (plot, who the movie is marketed to, etc…) Inferences (this should be your most in depth/longest part of your presentation)

6 Step by Step Presentation
If applicable, might want to show movie posters that are similar to yours and/or vastly different despite being about the same subject matter (see new Maze Runner, Red Sparrow, Star Wars posters) Evaluation of poster’s effectiveness (might want class feedback here) , explain what makes an effective poster for you, & conclude the presentation.

7 Different Versions of Posters (point #4 in previous slide)

8 Different Versions of Posters (point #4 in previous slide)

9 Differences – What does one poster do that the other doesn’t (& v.v.)?

10 Similarities & Differences in Posters (point #7 in previous slide)

11 Similarities & Differences in Posters (point #7 in previous slide)

12 Similarities & Differences in Posters (point #7 in previous slide)

13 Similarities & Differences in Posters (point #7 in previous slide)

14 Example Number One

15 The Blue Dress


17 Plot & Audience Possible plot points: Intended audience:
Don’t list too much here. A ton of text on the PPT is a negative. Just bullet point your main ideas. Intended audience: Same point as above. Also, consider putting the various points up one-by-one (vs. all together at once)

18 A Closer Look Remember:
As you go through the various slides in your PPT, continue to include a picture of your poster

19 Hidden Details in the Graphics?
Eyes? Nose?

20 Designs in the Hands/Fingers?

21 Note the Arrow in the Title

22 Note the Arrow in the Title – Does it Correspond to the Falling Man?

23 Similarities?

24 Similarities?

25 Effective? Remember, don’t put too much text on the slide. Just bullet point your main arguments and explain them in more detail when you give your presentation.

26 Example Number Two

27 Frankie


29 Intended Audience Looks to be more adult-targeted animation.
Probably 20s – 30s who work in the business world & have office jobs (who are dissatisfied) would be the target audience.

30 Plot Elements: details that show businessman look

31 Plot Elements: Hints at the dissatisfaction of this type of life/job.

32 Why all this blank space?
Very basic font style No tagline

33 Effective? When getting to this point, you probably need to explain what generally makes an effective poster for YOU (and then explain your judgement of this specific poster).

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