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AmericaView REDDnet? Geospatial Data Delivery P.R. Blackwell

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1 AmericaView REDDnet? Geospatial Data Delivery P.R. Blackwell
Stephen F. Austin State University

2 AmericaView/REDDnet What is AmericaView? Why do we need REDDnet?
The AmericaView/REDDnet Demonstration Project Why Do We Care? Future Directions

3 AmericaView is: a national program promoting satellite remote sensing technology. a organization of state-based, academically lead, consortia. mandated to archive and distribute satellite remote sensing data.

4 Why Do We Need Faster Access to Data?


6 Emergency Response Why are we obsessed with faster downloads?
In the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, the US Army Corps of Engineers commissioned post-event aerial ortho-imagery for certain areas affected by the storms. This acquisition generated nearly a terabyte of data desperately needed by researchers and individuals working on mitigation issues. Distributing these data in a timely manner was problematic, often resulting in road trips with boxes of CDs. The difference between a minute and a half and 13 seconds may be trivial when dealing with a single 250Mb landsat scene, but it takes on great importance when trying to push terabyte datasets in times of emergency.

7 AmericaView/REDDnet Demonstration Project

8 IBP Depots IBP IBP REDDnet Depots Depots IBP L-Store IBP Depots IBP
Under the Covers Server Discovery (GloVis) REDDnet IBP Depots IBP Depots IBP Depots REDDnet L-Store IBP Depots Scene List IBP Depots IBP Depots Applet Launcher LS Request File Listing Applet & Scene List Client Exnoder Downloader File List User Interface (Format Selector) File Pathnames

9 Why do we care?

10 Start! 13 Seconds! Done! Landsat ETM+ Download
Alaska features one of the first AmericaView GloVis installations and features a very nice shopping chart utility and package-on-demand. Users receive an with the files are ready for download. California is a non-GloVis distribution featuring three mirror sites. Indiana is a GloVis site offering multispectral, Thermal and Panchromatic bundles. Test uses multispectral Wisconsin’s GloVis instance was offline for maintenance during the testing period, so their very nice path/row interface was used. Wisconsin offers compressed tar files of pan, thermal, and multispectral band combinations. Arkansas’s CAST system was one of the fastest using pre-packaged and compressed bundles and good download speed. Texas packages on the fly, drawing data from the same servers that are used for local access to the data. (Note: testing of Texas download was done in Knoxville Tennessee.) AmericaView REDDnet uses a standard GloVis interface. The order process hands off to a Java Application that retrieves available data offering for the selected scene and allows the user to select the file(s) desired and a destination directory. A Java applet is downloaded to the client along with the L-Store path to the exnode. The applet then downloads the data… In less than 15 seconds! Done!

11 See it Now!

12 References Technical Background: GloVis Websites
LoCI Lab – L-Store – REDDnet – GloVis USGS GloVis – TexasView GloVis – Websites Columbia Regional Geospatial Service Center – TexasView – AmericaView/REDDnet – Internet2:Geospatial SIG --

13 Columbia Center Technical Team
PR Blackwell – Team Lead Mike Coffee – Database Specialist Diana Gunter – Geospatial Programmer Shane Jenson – World Wide Web Specialist Jim Bills – Systems Administration Johnny Brown – Geospatial Specialist

14 Supported by: NSF Grant PHY-0619847
AmericaView Remote Sensing Consortium Columbia Regional Geospatial Service Center USDA NRI Grant The T. L. L. Temple Foundation

15 Thank you!

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