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Republican Politics in the Civil War

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1 Republican Politics in the Civil War
AP US History

2 Republicans Republican politics played a major role in stimulating economic growth of North and West Took advantage of wartime majority in Congress to pass economic program - included a national banking system

3 Morrill Tariff Act (1861) -increase revenue and protect American manufacturers -began Republican program of high protective tariffs to help industrialists -replaced low tariff of 1857 -Buchanan’s administration, but Southerners had left

4 Homestead Act (1862) -160 acres of free public land to any family or person that farmed the land for at least 5 years

5 Morrill Land Grant Act (1862)
-States use sale of federal land grants to maintain agricultural and technological colleges

6 Pacific Railway Act (1862) Authorized building of transcontinental railroad over northern route to link California and Western territories with eastern states

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