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CG-IMAT Support/Accomplishments

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1 CG-IMAT Support/Accomplishments
Wolfsnare Creek NAS Oceana JP-5 Spill Overview On 10 May, 2017 Naval Station Oceana (NAS) spilled approximately 100K glns of JP-5 from their fuel farm. The spill exited NAS into a ditch along London Bridge Road and entered both the London Bridge Creek and Wolfsnare Creek, tributaries of the Lynnhaven River. A Unified Command consisting of the US Navy, USCG, VDEQ, and the City of Virginia Beach was formed. CG-IMAT launched a four member team to assist AST’s support to Sector Hampton Roads. CG-IMAT Support/Accomplishments Lessons Learned CG IMAT launched: CDR Williamson, PSC LCDR Juan Hernandez, SITL LCDR Todd Paquette, DPSC/RESL LT Matt Childs, RESL/PIO CG-IMAT personnel successfully integrated into the Incident Management Team. Significant efforts were applied to clarify FOSC responsibilities regarding DOD spills and align the Unified Command. These efforts established a strong foundation to organize response operations and manage public messaging. DOD being RP presented challenges regarding who within the Naval organization serves as Navy OSC and the roles and responsibilities of the FOSC. Initial USCG posture was to allow USN to take lead role in all response efforts. However, USCG is FOSC for spills that leave DOD facilities and the FOSC may need to take a more proactive stance regarding public messaging and response operations. Don’t public message a coarse of action until the UC approves the plan. All plans must include end points. Delaying end point discussions only serves to cause additional challenges.

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