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Relationships between organisms

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1 Relationships between organisms

2 Connections between organisms
All living things on the earth are connected in some way. This unit we will study these relationships: Producer/consumer/decomposer Predator/Prey Competition Symbiosis

3 Producer/consumer/decomposer
We’ve already learned that a producer is able to use the sun’s energy to make food. We’ve also learned that a consumer has to get food by eating producers (herbivore) or other consumers (carnivore) or both, (omnivore).

4 Producer/consumer/decomposer
Producers (autotrophs) capture the energy that all other organisms rely on to survive. Without producers, the sun’s energy couldn’t be used by living things.

5 Producer/consumer/decomposer
A decomposer is an organism that breaks down waste and dead organisms. Decomposers help to recycle nutrients. Without decomposers, dead things would pile up, and nutrients would run out.

6 Producer/consumer/decomposer
Are each of these organisms a producer, consumer, or decomposer?

7 Consumers - Predator/Prey
An organism that kills and eats another organism for food is called a predator. An organism that gets killed and eaten by a predator is called the prey.

8 Predator/Prey Predator populations rise and fall in relation to the prey they eat. (If there is a decrease in the amount of prey, there will soon be a decrease in the amount of predators). (If there is an increase in the amount of prey, there will soon be an increase in the amount of predators).

9 Competition Competition occurs when 2 or more organisms are both trying to use the same limited resource.

10 Competition Competition could occur between producers or consumers
Competition might occur between organisms of the same species, or different species.

11 Competition Competition might occur because of limited: Food Space
Sunlight Mates Or any other limited resource

12 Carrying capacity The maximum amount of individuals of a certain species that an environment can support is called the carrying capacity.

13 Carrying capacity Example: Eurasian Collared Doves in Cache Valley

14 Limiting factor The resource that runs out when a population reaches its carrying capacity is called the limiting factor. Limiting factors lead to competition between organisms.

15 Symbiosis

16 Our goal for today is to answer these questions:
What is symbiosis? What are the different kinds of symbiosis? What are some examples of symbiosis?

17 the act of living together
What is symbiosis? the act of living together

18 Symbiosis Symbiosis is when two different species of organisms live closely together for an extended period of time. “Sym” = same “bio” = life

19 Symbiosis What it means: Two organisms that live together
Temporarily or for a longer time At least one of the organisms benefits from the relationship

20 What are the different kinds of symbiosis?
Mutualism Commensalism Parasitism both organisms benefit one organism benefits one organism benefits one organism is unaffected one organism is harmed

21 Organism One Organism Two
Mutualism Organism One Organism Two

22 Organism One Organism Two
Commensalism Organism One Organism Two

23 Organism One Organism Two
Parasitism Organism One Organism Two

24 The “0 / -” symbiotic relationship
Ammensalism The “0 / -” symbiotic relationship

25 What is ammensalism? Ammensalism is the ecological interaction in which an individual species harms another without obtaining benefit. This type of symbiotic relationship is common, but not considered an important process structuring communities because they are “accidental” and do not benefit the species doing the harm It is a 0/- relationship

26 Examples of Ammensalism
Elephants stepping on ants or leveling brush does not benefit the elephant but causes harm

27 Examples of Ammensalism
Algal blooms can lead to the death of many species of fish and other animals, however the algae do not benefit from the deaths of these individuals

28 Examples of Ammensalism
One of the best examples of ammensalism is the one established between humans and other species under extinction due to human actions like habitat devastation by fires, ecological accidents, pollution of water, etc.

29 Examples of Ammensalism
One way scientists have used ammensalism to help humans can be found in the relationship of the bread mold penicillium with bacteria. Penicillium releases a chemical called penicillin which kills bacteria without benefiting the bread mold. Luckily we use this secretion as medicine!

30 A Summary of Symbiotic Interactions
Influence of species A - (negative) 0 (neutral/null) + (positive) A B Amensalism - A B Parasitism + - A B Mutualism + - A B Amensalism - A B Commensalism + Influence of Species B A B Parasitism - + A B Commensalism + A B Mutualism + +


32 What symbiotic relationship is this?
Acacia Plant & Ants The ants lay eggs on acacia tree so they get a nice safe place for their eggs. The acacia covers the infected area with brown flesh (called a gall.) The plant has to use valuable resources to create the gall. parasitism What symbiotic relationship is this?

33 What symbiotic relationship is this?
Anemone & Anemone Fish This fish lives its entire adult life among the tentacles of a bulb- tentacle sea anemone. Anemone fish do not get stung by the anemone as would most other fish so they get protection from predators. The fish often drop food scraps which the anemones can eat. mutualism What symbiotic relationship is this?

34 What symbiotic relationship is this?
Boxer Crab & Anemones This Boxer Crab carries a pair of stinging anemones in its claws, which it uses to defend itself from predators. The anemones get to move around which increases their food supply. mutualism What symbiotic relationship is this?

35 What symbiotic relationship is this?
Shark & Remora The remora attaches itself to the shark and saves energy since it doesn’t have to swim, and it gets to snack on the sharks kills. The shark doesn’t get anything. commensalism What symbiotic relationship is this?

36 Emperor Shrimp & Sea Cucumber
This tiny emperor shrimp is riding along on the back of a sea cucumber (a long worm-like starfish relative) while it crawls along a sandy bottom. The shrimp gets to travel around under the protection of its much larger partner, and the sea cucumber doesn't seem to mind. commensalism What symbiotic relationship is this?

37 Moray Eel & Cleaner Fish
This moray eel has a small fish cleaning between its teeth. The eel gets a clean mouth while the cleaner fish gets a nice meal. mutualism What symbiotic relationship is this?

38 What symbiotic relationship is this?
Cattle & Cattle Egrets As these cattle walk around eating grass they stir up lots of insects. The egrets hang around and get a yummy meal of insects. What symbiotic relationship is this? commensalism

39 What symbiotic relationship is this?
Clown Fish & Anemone This clown fish swims in the anemone and gets protection, since its predators will get stung. The anemone is unaffected. What symbiotic relationship is this? commensalism

40 What symbiotic relationship is this?
Antelope & Ox Bird This ox bird hangs out on the antelope and gets a delicious meal of bugs living on the antelope. The antelope gets rid of parasites. What symbiotic relationship is this? mutualism

41 What symbiotic relationship is this?
Loa Loa Worm & Human This worm infects human the blood stream and gets a nice warm safe home there. The human may go blind or have other complications as a result. What symbiotic relationship is this? parasitism

42 Goby and Alpheid Shrimp
This alpheid shrimp (on the right) uses its strong claws like a bulldozer to create a burrow in the sand. The shrimp is nearly blind. It relies upon its partner, the sharp-eyed goby, to warn of danger. When a potential predator approaches, both animals disappear quickly into the burrow mutualism What symbiotic relationship is this?

43 Wrasse & Batfish Can you see the two cleaner wrasses are
removing parasites from a batfish? One of the wrasses has entered the gill slit of the batfish, and may even enter its mouth in search of food. The batfish gets a bath and the wrasse gets a meal. What symbiotic relationship is this? mutualism

44 Hummingbird Moth & Flower
mutualism This hummingbird moth is drinking the nectar of a flower. The flower gets pollinated (the moth brings pollen from other flowers) and the moth gets a tasty meal. What symbiotic relationship is this?

45 Symbiosis - ? Why don’t we have a word for a relationship where both organisms are harmed by the relationship?

46 Answer each of following questions on a sheet of lined paper.
Let’s Review Answer each of following questions on a sheet of lined paper. What is symbiosis? What are the different kinds of symbiosis? Describe one example of each kind of symbiotic relationship.

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