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Permafrost Soil that is permanently frozen Capitalism Economic system With private Ownership Of Means of production.

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3 Permafrost Soil that is permanently frozen

4 Capitalism Economic system With private Ownership Of Means of

5 Collectivism Philosophy of Communal Efforts Towards production

6 Controlled means of production
Communism Political and Economic Philosophy Of having a Classless society And government Controlled means of production

7 Dissident Person who Openly Opposes the government

8 Egalitarian Philosophy that All people Are truly equal

9 Gulags Prison labor camps In USSR

10 Propaganda Use of Media to Influence others

11 Soviets Union of workers, Farmers, soldiers And others

12 Totalitarianism Government has Total authority And control Over the people

13 (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)
USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) First communist State that Existed from

14 Black Market Underground Market of goods Exchanged illegally

15 Icon Religious work Of art used As a symbol

16 Orthodox Church Branch of Christianity That is most Practiced in Eastern Europe

17 Ethnic Cleansing Forced removal Of another Group of people
From a specific Area to create A uniform culture

18 “Openness” with the people
Glasnost “Openness” with the people Which helped Lead to the End of the Cold War and USSR

19 Perestroika “Restructuring” Of the USSR Leading to a Movement Toward capitalism

20 Mir Largest satellite For its time Orbiting the Earth from

21 Pogroms Violent riots Aimed at the Jewish Population During the 1800s And 1900s

22 Socialist Realism Art form that Glorifies Working class members

23 Chechnya Russian Muslim state That wants To separate From Russia

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