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Kinematics Graphs assignment.

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1 Kinematics Graphs assignment

2 Starter: covert these measures
KUS objectives BAT investigate real life models BAT make sensible assumptions BAT analyse the problem and interpret/ validate Starter: covert these measures 10 km/h to m/s 120 km/h to mph 2

3 5 Walking to work A simplified distance time (s - t) graph of a teachers walk to work one morning is given below s (m) t (mins) Task 1a: Explain the shape of the graph by describing what might have happened at each stage of the journey. Sketch a Velocity time (v – t) graph for this journey Task 1b: Sketch an estimate of the distance time graph for your journey to school or work Describe how various features of the journey are represented on the graph

4 6 Overtaking The Highway code states that on an open road, in good conditions, a two second gap between cars should be sufficient. Task: Find the passing distance needed for a car to safely overtake a lorry moving at a steady speed of 50 mph. Sketch a distance time graph (and velocity time graph) showing the car and lorry as the overtake happens Extension: Consider the case where the car slows down to match the lorry’s speed then speeds up to overtake Draw diagrams Choose variables and assign constant values Interpret your solution Evaluate: Test the assumptions and conclusions you have made by finding the time you would take to cover 2 km at scouts pace

5 One thing to improve is –
KUS objectives BAT investigate real life models BAT make sensible assumptions BAT analyse the problem and interpret/ validate self-assess One thing learned is – One thing to improve is –


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