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PowerPoint PowerTIP Visual Magic

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Presentation on theme: "PowerPoint PowerTIP Visual Magic"— Presentation transcript:

1 PowerPoint PowerTIP Visual Magic
How to create stunning visuals – that sell, motivate and persuade

2 67% 33% Visuals Persuade Successful meeting using visuals
Visuals help you sell your ideas Successful meeting using visuals 67% 33% Successful meeting without visuals Source: Decker Presentations

3 Visuals Increase Retention
We remember less than 10% of what we hear verbally Verbal Only Presentation Verbal Presentation With Visuals 10% 20% 30% 40% Message Retention in Presentations Source: Wharton University Study

4 A Visual Is Worth a Thousand Words
Visuals Trigger - Memories - Emotions - Times

5 Start With a Background Template
Templates - Provide visual unity - Add pizzazz - Save time

6 Think KISS (Keep It Short and Simple)
The Three Keys to Success Product Leadership Operational Excellence Customer Intimacy Impact Test - Is it simple? - Is it clear? - Is it visible?

7 Stick to One Idea Per Visual
The Three Es of Successful Presentations Clarity Test - Clear headline - One point per visual - Uncluttered Educate Entertain Explain

8 Search For a Single Visual to Sell your Message
Profit Pyramid Unprofitable Marginally profitable Highly profitable Super profitable 1% Presentation Theme Our profits come from a few key clients 4% 15% 80%

9 Sales forecasts gradually improve over next 6 months
Use Visual Metaphors Sales forecasts gradually improve over next 6 months 10% Increase MAY 2% Decrease JANUARY 3% Increase MARCH

10 Use Animation to Create Movement
The New Breed of Client More Demanding But Less Loyal

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