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Warm Up 1/29 List the four steps to war from Wednesday’s class. Come up with a way to remember these four steps (e.g. an acronym, rhyme, etc.) I will ask.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up 1/29 List the four steps to war from Wednesday’s class. Come up with a way to remember these four steps (e.g. an acronym, rhyme, etc.) I will ask."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up 1/29 List the four steps to war from Wednesday’s class. Come up with a way to remember these four steps (e.g. an acronym, rhyme, etc.) I will ask volunteers to share with the class.

2 Agenda 1/29 Warm Up, HW Check, Collect Release Forms
Finish Weapons discussion “The Great War” segment World Involvement Notes Introduce WWI Unit Project

3 Essential Question #2 (con’t.)
How do science and technology change the nature of war?

4 Assignment #10: WWI Weapons (con’t.)
New technology does not mean faster- moving warfare; just more death WWI = 19th century warfare meets 20th century technology Video segment: Write 5 key facts as part of this assignment

5 WWI – Global Conflict Notes
World Involvement Assignment #11: WWI – Global Conflict Notes (left side)

6 World Involvement (1914-1915) Triple Alliance  Central Powers
Bulgaria Ottoman Empire Triple Entente  Allied Powers (Allies) Japan Italy (joined in April, 1915)

7 Two Fronts The Western Front The Eastern Front
Stalemate and trench warfare on French/German border The Eastern Front Russians invading Germany in the east More mobile Russia has trouble, not industrialized

8 Important Battles The Marne (Sept., 1914) Verdun (Feb., 1916)
Allies attack Germans Germans retreat Destroys Schlieffen Plan Verdun (Feb., 1916) Peak of slaughter Germans attack French 300,000 lives lost on each side The Somme (Jul., 1916) British attack Germans Lasts 4 months Each side loses over 500,000 men

9 World Involvement (1915-1918) War extends beyond Europe Ottoman Empire
Gallipoli Campaign (1915) Goal: Allies get supplies to Russia via the Dardenelles Allies battle the Turks = stalemate Asia/Africa Japanese attack German colonies


11 U.S. Involvement 1915 - Germans sink British Lusitania
U.S. is outraged; Wilson sends warning 1917 – Germans attempt naval blockade of Britain Unrestricted submarine warfare Sink 3 American ships Zimmerman Telegram  U.S. declares war April, 1917

12 “The Great War” 1915: Death in Foreign Fields
Assignment #12 : “The Great War” Part 2 Notes Write 5 new facts you learn as you watch these segments

13 Homework Read Ch. 13, Sec. 3 Determine plans for ABC Project
Assignment #13 Answer Question #3 on p. 377 Must be at least 5 sentences Determine plans for ABC Project

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