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Booking into a Salon L1-2 Functional Maths – working with time & money

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1 Booking into a Salon L1-2 Functional Maths – working with time & money
September Kindly contributed by Andrea Rason, Barnsley College. Search for Andrea on Inspired by Carrie Bray’s E2-E3 ‘Timings in a Salon’ – available at Please refer to the download page for this resource on skillsworkshop for detailed curriculum links and related resources including a PDF worksheet & the vouchers mentioned on slide 8. Legacy Functional Mathematics (2011) criteria FM/E3.8 Complete simple calculations involving money and measures FM/L1.7 Solve problems requiring calculation, with common measures inc. money, time, length, weight, capacity & temperature FM/L1.8 Convert units of measure in the same system FM/L2.8 Use, convert and calculate using metric and, where appropriate, imperial measures 2018 Functional Mathematics content E3.12 Read, measure and record time using am and pm E3.13 Read time from analogue and 24 hour digital clocks in hours and minutes L1.20 Convert between units of length, weight, capacity, money and time, in the same system Note: in the new 2018 Functional Skills content there is no: coverage of calculating with time (or using timetables) at any level specific coverage of time at Level 2 However, the problem solving aspects raise some parts of this resource (and its PDF task sheet) to Level 2. Reference: DfE (Feb 2018), Subject content functional skills: mathematics September Kindly contributed to by Andrea Rasen, Barnsley College.

2 Expectations No eating in the lesson
Ask before you leave the classroom Lanyards on show Only water allowed Bags under the desk Don’t swing on your chair Respectful language Phones away and on silent September Kindly contributed to by Andrea Rasen, Barnsley College.

3 Welcome To Functional Skills Today’s plan Starter task – salon terms
Recap on time 24 and 12 hour analogue and digital clocks Salon bookings tasks Dealing with customers Booking appointments Working out costs Calculating discounts Planning your own salon day Tarsia time puzzle for recap September Kindly contributed to by Andrea Rasen, Barnsley College.

4 Salon terms - what’s the cost?
Task one Write down the definition of the terms you’ve been given If you don’t know what it means, check in the dictionary Task two Work out how much your words are worth if a=1 b=2 c=3 and so on Task three Write your words in a sentence September Kindly contributed to by Andrea Rasen, Barnsley College.

5 Functional Skills Street
Your Text Here Best Bakers Lovely Library Super Salon Sundaes & Snacks Functional Skills Street How we use time in a salon September Kindly contributed to by Andrea Rasen, Barnsley College.

6 Third Business Close Up – Do Not Delete This Text Box
Appointment times You work in a salon and have been asked to take over the reception today. You have a number of clients to fit in, can you work out when their appointments are? Super Salon September Kindly contributed to by Andrea Rasen, Barnsley College. Teaching notes: appointment book and times are in the related PDF task sheet.

7 Third Business Close Up – Do Not Delete This Text Box
Payments, tips and discounts Your client has finished their appointment and has given you some money to pay for it. Work out How much they owe How much their tip is if they want to pay one What change they will get Super Salon September Kindly contributed to by Andrea Rasen, Barnsley College. Teaching notes: verbal questioning (or quick whiteboard questions) from teacher based on the total costs for treatment found in the related PDF task sheet.

8 Third Business Close Up – Do Not Delete This Text Box
Pampering You have been given a voucher to spend at a salon Remember you don’t get change from these and only have the cash in the envelope to spend on top of the voucher. What can you have done? Super Salon September Kindly contributed to by Andrea Rasen, Barnsley College. Teaching notes: provide learners with envelopes containing “cash” and vouchers (see PDF worksheet)

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