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Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children

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1 Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children
CASA of Arkansas Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children By Sara Griffin

2 CASA is a program where trained court appointed volunteers represent the best interest of an abused or neglected child for whom a placement is being determined by the juvenile court.  A CASA volunteer acts as a fact finder of the child's best interest, providing a judge with valuable information on the child to help the court make a sound decision about the child's future. What is CASA?

3 A Seattle judge conceived the idea of using trained community volunteers to speak for the best interests of abused and neglected children in court. The Seattle program was so successful that judges throughout the US began implementing CASA advocates in their own states. How CASA was founded

4 In 1990, US Congress added the expansion of CASA with passage of the Victims of Child Abuse Act.
Today, there are more than 900 CASA programs in operation. With over 70,000 men and women serving as CASA volunteers. Congress and CASA

5 What does a CASA volunteer do?
Volunteers are trained to guide abused and neglected children out of the foster care system by identifying the child’s needs and locating rehabilitative and/or psychological treatment. Volunteers get to know the child by talking with everyone in that child's life: parents and relatives, foster parents, teachers, medical professionals, attorneys, social workers and others. Volunteers use the information they gather to inform judges and others of what the child needs and what will be the best permanent home for them. CASA volunteers listen first, then they act. What does a CASA volunteer do?

6 What kind of children need a CASA volunteer?
They are children who: Were born addicted to drugs Have been abused; sometimes by multiple family members Have mothers and/or fathers that are incarcerated Have been removed from the home because of neglect Whose parents are unable to provide proper care and/or shelter Are currently in the state’s custody and being placed in foster care What kind of children need a CASA volunteer?

7 Foster Care in the US vs in Arkansas
Children in Foster Care in Arkansas Children in Foster Care in the United States Foster Care in the US vs in Arkansas Nearly 7,000 children in foster care. Only about 1,100 available foster care families. Over 500 children up for adoption. Nearly 430,000 children in foster care. Only about 192,000 available foster care families. Over 111,000 children up for adoption.

8 This is one child too many.
So what can be done??

9 You do not have to be a lawyer or a social worker to be a volunteer.
You only have to have compassion for children who are in need of a voice. As a volunteer, you will be thoroughly trained and well supported by professional staff to help you through each case YOU can volunteer!

10 Responsibilities of CASA volunteers
Visit the child Explain what the role of a CASA volunteer is Keep the child informed of all aspects of the court proceedings. Gather information about the child to make recommendations to the judge in the child’s best interest. Ask the child what he/she wants. Are there any therapies that the child needs? What, in your opinion, will make the child happy? Interview the parents, guardians or caretakers, and social workers. Identify potential resources within the family & community to meet the child's needs Review records related to the family Advocate for the child in the community Consult with local CASA program staff for support & guidance Attend & participate in court hearings & other related meetings Prepare written reports for court hearings Ensure the child's wishes are known to the judge Keep all records & information confidential

11 Contact your local CASA program or visit
Are you for the child? Contact your local CASA program or visit

12 References:

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