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Airport Land Use Relationship

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1 Airport Land Use Relationship
CE 633

2 errata

3 Airport Construction Impacts
soil erosion water and air quality (local and GHG) noise Materials and energy consumption Disruption/relocation of business and homes Airport operations

4 Construction Impact Mitigation
Review environmentally sensitive areas identify amount of cut and fill identify methods to prevent erosion materials handling procedures for air/water quality optimize routing/timing to minimize noise disruption plan with local business

5 Airport’s Impact on Land Development
The following may require land for development: Plant relocation/construction expansion of existing plants increased tourism/retail/recreation facilities business/convention center expansion increased commercial/financial markets

6 Why? Because Location Decisions affected by:
Access to labor, raw materials, markets Costs production, transportation Quality of Life/Community Factors

7 Cultural Resource Impact
Parks and recreation areas historical and archeological sites natural/scenic beauty for each ... does airport cause physical changes? does airport conform (fit in)? does airport disrupt access, ambience? What is impact of induced development?

8 Ecological Factors Lists of endangered species available Must Check:
Vegetation requirements food chain habitats migration, spawning grounds species tolerance to pollution

9 Wetland Impact Potentially harmful activities: Clearing
topography changes pest control vehicle washing deicing, servicing fueling

10 National Wetlands Inventory
Wetlands Mapper

11 Environmental Impact Summary
Original impetus for considering environment was legislation ... First, costs of planning increased but, better understanding of short and long term impacts on society therefore, more efficient designs Q: lower long term costs to society?

12 Lab: Land-use Planning
Land use plan is part of overall comp plan Surrounding land use is difficult to control. Consider airspace issues with respect to local gov’ts and planning and zoning. Incompatible land use (noise) is biggest problem, therefore, must forecast noise levels overlay noise “contours” on land use map estimate compatibility establish zoning for underdeveloped land

13 Noise EPA, HUD, FAA guidelines use DNL
speech interference at 65dB (45 for relaxed conversation) housing (windows open) = 15dB attenuation community reaction if aircraft component > 3-5 dB above ambient please see table 15-2 for land-use compatibility noise can be measured or modeled (we will use INM to model it for LEX

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