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Presentation on theme: "ICADV PROGRAM COUNCIL COMMITTEES"— Presentation transcript:

11/29/201811/29/2018 ICADV PROGRAM COUNCIL COMMITTEES Much of the work conducted by ICADV is done at the committee level. Each committee has a broad goal and depending on current needs of the organization, specific projects and agendas are developed along the way. Most committees are currently considered ad hoc and are reaffirmed by the Program Council annually. The only Program Council committee dictated by the Bylaws is the Operations Committee. 11/29/2018 New Member Orientation Presentation—Dec 2013

2 Participation Requirement Who can sign up for a committee
11/29/201811/29/2018 Participation Requirement Who can sign up for a committee How to sign up for a committee Because the success of ICADV depends on the input from domestic violence agencies throughout the state, it is important that member agencies participate in committees and in the Program Council. To this end, as you may already know, ICADV requires each Program Council agency to identify at least one voting delegate to participate in an ICADV Committee and that delegate must participate in at least 75% of that committee’s meetings annually. A Program Council may have any staff person join an ICADV committee. If the agency wants the representative to have voting authority on the Committee, they must first make the person a voting delegate for their agency, as described in the module on renewing membership. If the agency wants a staff person to participate on a committee, but not have voting authority, that is acceptable as well. In some instances, an agency may want a staff person to have voting authority on a Committee, but not necessarily have voting authority on the full Program Council. That is acceptable too. In some rare instances, a person may want to join a committee from time to time, but not be considered part of the committee’s formal roster and therefore should not be counted towards quorum. In these instances, the person may be added to the list for the specific committee so he or she receives meeting packets. However, the person would be considered a guest of the committee and therefore should not participate in formal votes of the committee. To sign up for a committee, the agency’s PRIMARY VOTING DELEGATE should contact the Membership Services Associate for the forms necessary for signing up for a committee. You are also encouraged to discuss the possibility of joining the committee with the cochair person of the committee or staff liaison for that specific committee. Chair person contact information may be found on the members only section of the website. 11/29/2018 New Member Orientation Presentation—Dec 2013

3 11/29/201811/29/2018 Selecting a Committee Review the descriptions of the current committees Find out about scheduling History of minutes Deciding which committee to join may be easy for some but others may need to “shop around” a little. Current committees include: Outreach and Public Awareness that works on marketing the domestic violence issue and exposing the root causes of domestic violence; Membership that works on developing the membership of ICADV; Advocacy, Funding and Accountability works on policy, legislative issues, and various other projects such as white papers; Services that works on service standards; Funding Oversight Committee is responsible for overseeing all pass through funding; Leadership Development oversees the training and leadership development of members, with a focus on increasing diversity. ICADV also has an Operations Committee which is the Program Council officers and cochairs of all other Program Council committees. Unless you hold one of those elected or appointed positions, you would not be able to join the Operations Committee. You should review the full committee descriptions which may be found in your Program Council Manual to decide which committee your skill set and interest is most suited to. You may also want to review each committee’s schedule to determine your availability. If you are still undecided, you may choose to review the last few sets of minutes from the committees to give you a better sense of the types of business they conduct. The schedules and recent minutes may be found on the ICADV members only section of the website. This concludes this Committees’ module. 11/29/2018 New Member Orientation Presentation—Dec 2013


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