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Timing plays an important role in the outcome of Romeo and Juliet

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1 Timing plays an important role in the outcome of Romeo and Juliet
By Brad, Shehzad and Justen

2 Introduction Thesis: By examining the timing of Mercutio and Tybalt's death, Capulets decisions on marriage and timing and decisions made affect Juliet and her death it will be proven that timing plays an important role in the outcome of the Romeo and Juliet. Supporting Ideas: Mercutio and Tybalt’s death Capulet on Juliet’s marriage Juliet’s death

3 Argument 1 The timing of Mercutio and Tybalt’s death affect the outcome of the play

4 If Mercutio did not provoke Tybalt
“Again, in triumph, and Mercutio slain? / Away to heaven, respective lenity, / And fire-ey’d fury be my conduct now!” ( ).

5 If Romeo had not killed Tybalt
“And for that offence / Immediately we do exile him hence. / I have an interest in your heart’s proceeding: / My blood for your rude brawls doth lie a-bleeding”( ).

6 The timing of Capulet decisions on marriage
Argument 2 The timing of Capulet decisions on marriage

7 Capulet saying to Paris she has to consent to a marriage
“But woo her, gentle Paris, get her heart, / My will to her consent is but a part; / And she agreed, within her scope of choice / Lies my consent and fair according voice”( ).

8 Capulet telling Juliet she has to marry Paris on Thursday or be dishonored by the family and kicked out of the house “Thursday is near, lay hand heart, advice: / And you be mine, I’ll give you to my friend; / And you be not, hang, beg, starve, die on the streets…I;ll not be forsworn”( ).

9 Capulet moving the wedding up to Wednesday
“Send for the County, go tell him of this. / I'll have this knot knit up tomorrow morning”( ).

10 The timing and decisions made affect Juliet and her death
Argument 3 The timing and decisions made affect Juliet and her death

11 Statement 1- Romeo waits a little longer
“Thou art not conquer’d beauty ensign ye/ is crimson in thy lips and thy cheeks,” ( ).

12 Statement 2- If Romeo was inform of the plan and got the letter
“But he which bore my letter Friar John,/ was stay'd by accident, and yesternight/ returned my letter back,” ( ).

13 Statement 3- If the Friar did not run off on Juliet
“ Stay not to question, for the watch is coming/ come go, good juliet, I dare no longer stay.” ( )

14 Conclusion In conclusion timing of events and decisions throughout the play, play a key role in the outcome of Romeo and Juliet. The death of characters, Capulet’s decisions and Juliet’s death change the outcome of the play

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