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Electrical Stimulation

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1 Electrical Stimulation
Sports Medicine Electrical Stimulation

2 Discussion Scenario Remember how it feels to hit your ‘funny bone?’ What happens to the rest of your arm and your hand? Why does it happen? Think about your response, and be prepared to share with the class.

3 Objectives Explain the differences between electrical stimulation (E-stim) and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) List the indications and contraindications for electrical stimulation Identify situations when using electrical stimulation would be beneficial

4 Terminology Electrical stimulation (E-Stim) – using electricity to target a motor nerve and cause a muscle response Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) – using electricity to target a sensory nerve to decrease pain

5 Electrical Modalities
E-Stim Unit TENS unit

6 E-Stim and TENS Comparison
Similarities Both are electrical modalities 2. Both transmit electricity through electrodes 3. Both stimulate nerves 4. Both produce therapeutic effects Differences E-Stim is used to stimulate motor nerves; TENS stimulates sensory nerves 2. E-stim produces muscle contractions; TENS controls pain 3. An E-stim unit can function as a TENS

7 How Electrical Stimulation Units Work
The unit generates an electrical current The current is transmitted by the electrodes (two or more electrodes are required to complete an electrical circuit) The electrodes are placed on the skin The current carried by the electrodes is used to stimulate a nerve (sensory or motor) The amount of electricity is controlled to produce a therapeutic effect

8 Indications of Electrical Stimulation
Increase range of motion Increase muscle strength Muscle re-education Improve muscle tone Improve muscle function Control pain Accelerate wound healing Decrease muscle spasm Prevent atrophy

9 Contraindications of E-Stim
Over the carotid sinus During pregnancy Individuals with pacemakers Sensitivity to electricity When active ROM is contraindicated

10 Treatment Parameters 1. Waveform 2. Modulation 3. Intensity 4. Duration 5. Frequency 6. Polarity 7. Electrode setup

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