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Ch. 10 Sec. 2 Day 2 Outcome of the War.

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1 Ch. 10 Sec. 2 Day 2 Outcome of the War

2 Treaty of Paris Cuba is independent
Philippines “annexed” for $20 million Puerto Rico & the Pacific island of Guam given to the U.S.

3 Problems in the Philippines
The Philippines had been fighting Spain for its independence and joined US troops in fighting Spain during the Spanish-American War. Filipinos now turn on the U.S. U.S. wants to civilize and Christianize them. If we don’t someone else will causing new conflicts.

4 Problems in the Philippines
Emilio Aguinaldo leads the Filipino rebels. U.S. uses some of the same tactics we criticized Spain for using such as concentration camps!

5 Results of the Conflict in the Philippines
3 year conflict 4,000 Americans & 16,000 Filipinos killed 200,000 Filipino civilians die Ends in 1902 when the U.S. agrees to grant the Philippines independence in 40 years. **Do we keep our promise?

6 Cuba- not a US territory
U.S. keeps troops in Cuba to “protect” businesses. General Leonard Wood sets up military govt. and school system. We will remove the troops if Cuba includes the “Platt Amendment” to its constitution.

7 Platt Amendment (summary)
Can not enter into any foreign agreement-no alliances. Must allow the U.S. to lease naval bases. U.S. can intervene when necessary to maintain stability in Cuba. Cuba can not go into debt.

8 Puerto Rico U.S. territory Military remains until 1900
Wants to be independent-we won’t let them. U.S. appoints the governor, Puerto Ricans elect their own congress 1917-allowed to become U.S. citizens

9 Hawaii *1887-duty free sugar U.S. leases Pearl Harbor
King Kalakaua forced to change the constitution to only allow landowners to vote. *1891-King Kal dies, sister Liliuokalani becomes queen. Changes voting requirements.

10 Hawaii *1893- Sanford B. Dole and whites lay seige to Lili’s palace.
-USS Boston and marines back them up. -Dole becomes president. -Cleveland refuses to recognize the new govt.

11 Hawaii 1898-McKinley says its our “Manifest Destiny” and we annex Hawaii. We also want to keep our naval base.

12 China Had been carved into spheres of influence- areas of economic and political control. Russia, Germany, Britain, France and Japan had already taken the prime ports and would not allow other countries to trade in their sphere.

13 China Secretary of State, John Hay, issues the Open Door Policy (Notes) saying the US should have equal access to these markets. How do you think they respond?

14 China Chinese society called the Righteous and Harmonious Fists or “Boxers” kill 300 foreigners and Chinese Christians. The Boxer Rebellion allows the US to send forces into China. Along with other countries troops, the rebellion is put down.

15 China John Hay issues a second Open Door policy calling for countries to open up trade in China and that the US will try to preserve this idea. Do they listen to us now?

16 China Yes!! What’s the name of the game?
Opening up the ports opens up new markets to all of the countries involved.

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