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Digital Logic & Design Dr. Waseem Ikram Lecture No. 31.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Logic & Design Dr. Waseem Ikram Lecture No. 31."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Logic & Design Dr. Waseem Ikram Lecture No. 31

2 Recap Digital Clock Frequency Counter
Divide by 60 counter timing diagram Hours Counter circuit Hours Counter timing diagram Frequency Counter Sampling intervals Detailed Circuit diagram Timing diagram

3 Next-State Table for a 3-bit Up-Counter
Present State Next State Q2 Q1 Q0 1

4 J-K flip-flop Transition table
Flip-flop Inputs Output Transitions J K Qt Qt+1 x 1

5 J-K flip-flop input table
Present State Next State J-K flip-flop inputs Q2 Q1 Q0 J2 K2 J1 K1 J0 K0 1 x

6 Karnaugh Map for J2 and K2 inputs
Q2Q1/Q0 1 00 01 11 x 10 Q2Q1/Q0 1 00 01 11 x 10

7 Karnaugh Map for J1 and K1 inputs
Q2Q1/Q0 1 00 01 x X 11 10 Q2Q1/Q0 1 00 x 01 11 10

8 Karnaugh Map for J0 and K0 inputs
Q2Q1/Q0 1 00 x 01 11 10 Q2Q1/Q0 1 00 x 01 11 10

9 Implementation of the Sequential Circuit

10 S-R flip-flop Transition table
Flip-flop Inputs Output Transitions S R Qt Qt+1 x 1

11 S-R flip-flop input table
Present State Next State S-R flip-flop inputs Q2 Q1 Q0 S2 R2 S1 R1 S0 R0 1 x

12 Karnaugh Map for S2 and R2 inputs
Q2Q1/Q0 1 00 01 11 x 10 Q2Q1/Q0 1 00 01 11 x 10

13 Karnaugh Map for S1 and R1 inputs
Q2Q1/Q0 1 00 01 x 11 10 Q2Q1/Q0 1 00 x 01 11 10

14 Karnaugh Map for S0 and R0 inputs
Q2Q1/Q0 1 00 01 11 10 Q2Q1/Q0 1 00 01 11 10

15 S-R flip-flop based implementation of 3-bit Synchronous Counter

16 Timing diagram of the S-R flip-flop based 3-bit Synchronous Counter

17 Recap Clocked Sequential circuits State diagram

18 Design of Sync. Counters
Next-State table (tab 1) Flip-flop transition table (tab 2) Flip-flop input table (tab 3) Karnaugh maps (tab 4) Logical expressions for flip-flop inputs Sequential circuit Implementation (fig 1)

19 Design of S-R Sync. Counters
Flip-flop transition table (tab 5) Flip-flop input table (tab 6) Karnaugh maps (tab 7) Logical expressions for flip-flop inputs Sequential circuit Implementation (fig 2a) Timing diagram (fig 2b)

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