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General information Agriculture Slovak Agriculture University Things typical for Slovakia Beauties of Slovakia Alžbeta Werthová Anton Slebodník Ľubica.

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2 General information Agriculture Slovak Agriculture University Things typical for Slovakia Beauties of Slovakia Alžbeta Werthová Anton Slebodník Ľubica Morvaiová Ondrej Revák Zuzana Lajdová

3 Capital: Bratislava Language: Slovak EU accession: 1. 5
Capital: Bratislava Language: Slovak EU accession: Currency: Euro € ( ) Population: 5,5 mill Area: km2 GDP: $ billion GDP per capita: $21 771 

4 Division: 8 regions 79 districts


6 Agriculture

7 Total area of the SR (ha)  - 4 903 380
Water area  - 93 321 Land area  - 4 810 059 Forest lands  - 2 044 927 Other land area – 863 752 Utilized agriculture land – 1 941 380 Arable land – 1 357 201 Permanent crops – 25 634

8 Contribution of agriculture to the key indicators of the national economy

9 Gross Agricultural Output (SKK million)

10 Structure of sown areas for main crops at arable land, in %





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