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Religion and Morality.

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Presentation on theme: "Religion and Morality."— Presentation transcript:

1 Religion and Morality

2 The Euthyphro Problem Is it right because God commands it? Or
Does God command because it is right?

3 Divine Command Theory

4 According to Divine Command Theory
An action or rule is morally right IF AND ONLY IF God commands it And An action or rule is morally wrong IF AND ONLY IF God forbids it.

5 Natural Law Theory An action is right if it “agrees with our nature,” wrong if it “goes against our nature”

6 Teleology Telos – Greek for purpose All things have a purpose
Teleology explains things by their purposes, which are also their “chief activity” The nature or essence of something = its purpose Something is good insofar as it achieves its purpose well, bad insofar as it fails to achieve it purpose


8 What is human nature? Reason Social relationships To produce offspring
To stay alive

9 Talk Sex with Thomas Aquinas
P1: The Purpose of sex is reproduction P2: Gay sex cannot lead to reproduction P3: Natural law C: Gay sex is wrong

10 The Purpose of Sex is reproduction and you may not use something contrary to its Purpose
No to all of these: Birth Control Sex after menopause Infertile couples (persons) Oral Sex Kissing

11 Aquinas on Abortion Aristotle tells us that the soul enters the body at “quickening.” It is murder to kill a being that possesses a soul, but not murder to kill a being without one. So, Abortion before quickening is NOT murder and should not be treated as such.

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