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St Luke’s Church of England School Newsletter 17 June 2016

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1 St Luke’s Church of England School Newsletter 17 June 2016
Message from Mrs Tyler Staff and governors are currently in the process of finalising the St Luke’s staff team for next year and we hope to be able to announce this to you in next Friday’s newsletter. It has been another busy week at St Luke’s, but I hope a good balance of work and play! Mari from Mount Anvil brought ‘Ivor Goodsite’ to her assembly, which was about keeping safe around building sites. She also explained about the art project for St Luke’s and St Margaret’s Schools, when the children will be designing artwork for the hoarding outside the Kings College site. On Thursday we were treated to the Music Concert, where the children who learn an instrument at school performed on the piano, recorder and glockenspiel in front of their classmates and parents. It is wonderful to see them, not only learning to play the instruments, but also learning to cope with their nerves as they perform in front an audience. As I said after the concert, the children’s love of music and singing is entirely due to Mrs Cawthorne’s inspired leadership. Of course, her work this term is not yet complete - she is still preparing all the children for the Anniversary Church Service and End of Year Concert! The children have also been working with Mrs Dolbear and are thoroughly enjoying practising their dance routines for the concert. Thank you very much to all the parents who have completed our questionnaire – we will let you know the results of the surveys next week.  Year 4 parents – please remember the Preparation for Secondary School Information Meeting – Tuesday 21st June pm At this meeting we will outline the secondary transition procedures in Camden, help you to consider the options for your child (state, state-selective, independent) and share information about the after-school tutor groups being offered at St Luke’s by JK Educate. Lorrae and Katie, directors of JK Educate, will join us for the meeting to share their knowledge and experience, to outline the tutor group plan for St Luke’s and to answer any of your questions. Election Day Please note that the school is NOT closed for the election next Thursday 23rd May. Reception Class Golden Book Faye for much improved handwriting. Melina for independent addition and subtraction. Maths Monkey Gabriel for recognising quantities up to 10. KS1 Class Golden Book Ava for writing an interesting story about Buckingham Palace. Mokshau for always being helpful in class and thinking of others. Maths Monkey Harry for rounding numbers to the nearest 10. Summer Fair Don’t forget our Summer Fair on Saturday 2nd July, 12:30 – 3:30pm. KS2 Certificate of Merit Year 3 Jasmine for her confident approach to Maths. Year 4 Christian for a marked improvement in English. KS2 Maths Mascot Odile for explaining her reasoning to her Year 2 partner. News from Reception This week we have been continuing our topic of water – the constant rain and thunderstorms are adding to the children’s interest, even if it creates a mad rush inside when it comes! On the rainy days, we have used the book “Who Sank the Boat?” to explore the concept of floating and sinking and weight. When the sun was shining, we built a mini ‘beach’ in the outside area and the children had a lot of fun adding water and sand and engaging in lots of small-world play. The children have produced some excellent story and fact writing about beaches. In Maths, we have been recapping simple addition and subtraction calculations, with a focus on written recording. At other times, we have been discussing healthy living activities such as eating fruit and vegetables and doing lots of exercise. This has related nicely to the dance practices for the end of year concert, as well as the regular mile runs around the garden!

2 2015-16 and 2016-17 term dates are on the school website.
News from KS1 This week, in English, the children have continued to develop story writing skills. We have focused on planning to ensure the flow of the story as well as the usual emphasis on correct and consistent use of punctuation. We are looking forward to reading the homework stories. In Maths we have continued with work on place value and worked on an investigation on the theme of number bonds. In History we have started to look at seaside holidays in the past, by comparing photographs and researching on an educational website. Wednesday was our healthy schools day and we thought about all the elements needed to stay healthy. We were impressed with how much the children already knew about healthy eating and exercise. We are looking forward to our art workshop next week with the artist Pauline Hazelwood. News from KS2 This week in English we have continued our unit of work entitled ‘Stories that Raise Awareness’. As I mentioned before the half-term holiday, we have been focusing our learning around a book by Anne Fine called “Goggle-eyes”. You may like to read this book yourself so you can discuss some of the issues that your child may raise. However, I urge you not to read it with the children as it may spoil our work in class. In Maths this week the children particularly enjoyed creating a coat for ‘Colin the camel’ using irregular octagons. The children have to use their skills of visualisation, rotation and tessellation to create a coat without any holes! Finally, the children have really enjoyed following the many teams during Euro Yesterday, we even managed to squeeze in watching the England v. Wales game! I look forward to seeing you next Tuesday evening at the Preparation for Secondary School Information Meeting. Dates for Diary (Summer term) and term dates are on the school website.

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