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Do now activity What is the difference between logistical and exponential population growth? What is the difference between a pioneer and climax community?

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Presentation on theme: "Do now activity What is the difference between logistical and exponential population growth? What is the difference between a pioneer and climax community?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do now activity What is the difference between logistical and exponential population growth? What is the difference between a pioneer and climax community? If the population of deer in 2016 was 4,000 and 500 deer were born in 2017, what is the current population size? In 2016, Georgia had a population of 300 people. In the same year, 25 babies were born & 15 people died. In the same year, 10 people immigrated and 5 people emigrated. What was the population growth of Georgia for 2016?

2 Section 8-4: Climate & Weather
Essential Question: How is carrying capacity affected by environmental factors? Section 8-4: Climate & Weather Learning Target Predict how a specific change within an ecosystem can impact the organisms within the community.

3 Check the class calendar!
announcements Check the class calendar!

4 announcements Available Extra Credit:
Tissue Box = 10 Points CP Rulers/Colored Pencils = 10 Points CP Plastic Pencil Boxes = 30 Points CP

5 Don’t forget to chunk your notes!

6 Overview EARTH ______ is the only planet with an adequate temperature able to sustain life.

7 Overview weather: the day-to-day condition of the Earth’s atmosphere at a particular time and place

8 Don’t forget to chunk your notes!

9 climate climate: the average, year-after-year conditions of temperature and precipitation

10 climate The Effect of Latitude
Because of Earth’s shape some areas receive more direct sunlight than others There is ___ heat at equator than the poles MORE

11 climate 3 Climate Zones Tropical zone: very warm zone, receiving mostly direct sunlight all year Polar zone: cold zone that receives low angle rays Temperate zone: between polar and tropics and ranges from hot to cold depending on changing angle of the sun ECOLOGY

12 climate Polar zone: cold zone that receives low angle rays
3 Climate Zones Tropical zone: very warm zone, receiving mostly direct sunlight all year Polar zone: cold zone that receives low angle rays Temperate zone: between polar and tropics and ranges from hot to cold depending on changing angle of the sun ECOLOGY

13 climate 3 Climate Zones Tropical zone: very warm zone, receiving mostly direct sunlight all year Polar zone: cold zone that receives low angle rays Temperate zone: between polar and tropics and ranges from hot to cold depending on changing angle of the sun ECOLOGY

14 Don’t forget to chunk your notes!

15 Heat transport Unequal heating of Earth’s surface drive wind and ocean currents Convection currents between the poles and equator cause the wind and ocean to move heat (example: upwelling) Land masses can block wind currents

16 Don’t forget to chunk your notes!

17 greenhouse effect Greenhouse effect is when gases in the atmosphere trap heat energy Maintains the Earth’s temperature Humans have increased these gases

18 Don’t forget to chunk your notes!

19 List 5 factors that can contribute to the climate of an area.
Class discussion! List 5 factors that can contribute to the climate of an area.

20 Let’s Review… Factors that contribute to climate
Heat trapped in atmosphere Latitude How far North or South you are on the planet Movement of heat by winds and water currents Amount of precipitation Shape and elevation of land masses

21 Don’t forget to chunk your notes!

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