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Pov and OPVL- Anderson’s and Deer’s classes- 2015

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Presentation on theme: "Pov and OPVL- Anderson’s and Deer’s classes- 2015"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pov and OPVL- Anderson’s and Deer’s classes- 2015
How to score a 3 or better on the AP Euro Exam and save Anderson’s and Deer’s jobs!

2 Always ask- who is telling me this stuff?
About me Why am I doing this?- motivation? Name sheets

3 Calculating your AP Score
Why the dbq is important Your goal- 7 on the DBQ

4 AP DBQ Grading Rubric Provides an appropriate, explicitly stated thesis that directly addresses all parts of the question. Thesis may not simply restate the question. Thesis statements, arguments, introductory paragraph One point

5 Criterion Two Discusses a majority of the documents individually and specifically. One point Citations!!!

6 Criterion Three Demonstrates understanding of the basic meaning of a majority of the documents (may misinterpret no more than one). What if I don’t know about what they’re talking?

7 Criterion Four Supports the thesis with appropriate interpretations of a mojority of the documents- can’t get this point if no credit was given for criterion one or two

8 Why we’re here today Analyzes point of view or bias in at least three documents What does analysis mean? Everybody talks about it but nobody explains it.

9 About Analysis- Course Skill
Critical to a high grade on the AP Exam ( and living life in a democratic society such as ours) is the ability to analyze documents What is meant by analysis? (AP-Who, what , why, when)-(IB- Origin, Purpose, Value, Limitation) How do you indicate you’re about to do some serious analysis? Keep in mind who’s reading your answer.

10 W, w, w, w described-Course Skill
When analyzing a document using these , ask yourself the following questions: Do I know this person? What do I know about people who share this person’s experiences, religion, gender, nationality, socioeconomic class, position on the political spectrum, motivation, when did this occur (milieu- mention the term liberal here), reliability of source, type of document, tone or intent of the author

11 Practicing the skill 2002 B Exam
source: Gaetano Salvemini, political refugee living in the United States, in his article, “Do Italian Women Obey Mussolini?” (Birth Control Review, United States, 1933) In 1932, as soon as the fascists saw that the “battle” for births was a failure, they discovered that slender women generally had fewer children than fat women. They therefore started a new “battle”, which might be called the battle for the fat. The ideal for the fascist in now the huge woman, weighing at least 300 pounds. So far only propaganda and “moral pressure” have been used. But on some nice morning Mussolini will issue an order to put all slender women before a firing squad. Since they are barren and since barrenness is treason against the Fatherland, it is only natural that such treason should be punished by execution.

12 Skill What do we know about Gaetano Salvemini? Go back to slide 8.
How do we state this analysis in order to get our best grade on the AP Exam? Indicating POV isn’t as difficult as you might think: Sometimes students write POV in purple next to what they hope is POV. Usually it isn’t. If you want to make certain that the reader knows that you’re about to lay some POV on him/her practice using the following indicators: accordingly, if...then, since....then one would expect, because, therefore, when...then, surprisingly, certainly, however, obviously, even though, otherwise, etc.

13 Generic Statements to Show POV
In sentence form your POV might look like this: Since he was a member of (fill in social class, occupation, religion) one would expect him to (list characteristic of social class, occupation, religion). You can see this in the way he feels about (use document). The author’s statements in his diary most likely reflect how he felt about the topic because he could reasonably expect no one else to read them. (Con’t)

14 Generic POV Skills Obviously, one might question if this is how the speaker really felt as he was giving a political speech at the time and might stretch the truth to get elected. Since one would expect a 19th Century Liberal to be anti Labor, this person’s response is truly remarkable and should be taken at face value.

15 Let’s try some See hand outs- demonstrate your smarts! Show us your work.

16 Back to the grading rubric- criterion six
Analyzes documents by explicitly organizing them in at least three appropriate groupings- at least two documents- really need three

17 Break on through to the other side- J. Morrison, Soft Parade, 1967

18 Other stuff to do to get ready for the exam?
Review book About Kagan On line Use the history timeline mentioned on this page

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