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Mrs. Morgan & Mrs. Edwards 5th Grade Newsletter

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1 Mrs. Morgan & Mrs. Edwards 5th Grade Newsletter
January 8, 2017 Mrs. Morgan & Mrs. Edwards 5th Grade Newsletter Upcoming Events Jan. 9- Report Cards go home Jan. 12- School Spelling Bee Jan. 15- No School! Jan. 24- Math Challenge Jan :00 pm Jan. 26- AR Celebrating w/Board games Tests and Quizzes Math-Unit 4 Test-Wednesday, Jan. 17th Word Study- January 19 We Are Learning About… Reading –How digital media adds to our reading, using evidence from our reading to answer questions Grammar and Writing- Verbs – Regular Tense Verbs, Recognizing the correct , consistent tense of a verb when we write Math- Adding , Subtracting, Multiplying and Dividing Factions Social Studies-WWII Our 4H Day is January 19th 4H service projects-We are collecting pop tabs Word Study Quiz January 19, 2018 Words with graph –graph means to write autobiography –writing about a person’s life written by that person autograph –the writing of one’s own name bibliography –the written list of all the books used in a report biography –a book written about a person’s life cartography –mapmaking ; The secret word is snow homograph –a word written the same as another word but having a different meaning paragraph –a section of writing that has a topic and concluding sentence phonograph –a record player; a device that turns the writing on records into sound photography –the use of light to record an image on a camera seismograph –a device that writes down and records the movements of the earth We are overwhelmed by your generous Christmas gifts! We enjoyed being with our families and hope you did as well. Thank you for making our holidays complete. As always, your kindness is greatly appreciated! Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. Edwards Research Project The Wax Museum projects were AWESOME ! The students far exceeded my expectations. Look for pictures on my website to see how well everyone looked. I am SUPER proud of each one of them.

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