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(Computer Assisted Language Learning)

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1 (Computer Assisted Language Learning)
used widely to refer to the area of technology and second language teaching and learning the search for and study of applications of computers for language teaching and learning any process in which a learner uses a computer and, as a result, improves his or her language What is CALL? (Computer Assisted Language Learning)

2 Advantages of CALL experiential learning motivation
enhanced student achievement authentic materials for study greater interaction individualization independence from a single source of information global understanding adapting learning to the students critical thinking skills Advantages of CALL

3 Disadvantages of CALL financial barriers
availability of computer hardware and software lack of technical and theoretical knowledge acceptance of technologies lack of human-like interaction during study wrong perception of teachers and administrators Disadvantages of CALL

4 Teacher’s Role in CALL guide students in student’s construction
of language (as tutor) – with aid of technology familiarize with the resources encourage students to participate reassure and motivate students review and reinforce what was learned Teacher’s Role in CALL

5 Student’s Role in CALL involve actively in negotiating
meaning and assimilating new ideas interpret new information and experiences on their own terms participate actively in the classroom Student’s Role in CALL

6 CALL Activities multiple-choice & true/false quizzes
gap-filling exercise/cloze matching re-ordering/sequencing crossword puzzles games simulations writing & word-processing concordancing web quests/searching web publishing online communication (synchronous and asynchronous) wiki writing digital storytelling CALL Activities

7 CALL Resources multiple-choice & true/false quizzes - socrative
gap-filling exercise/cloze - re-ordering/sequencing- falling clouds Puzzlemaker writing runway crossword puzzles- ABCYA esolcourses games- Concordancing Webquests Wiki Writing Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling How to Create a Digital Story Photo Story Software Cool Tools for Schools Differentiation with Social Media Teflsites CALL Resources

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