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Sugars (carbohydrates)

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1 Sugars (carbohydrates)
What type of organic compounds are made during photosynthesis? Before organisms use the energy in organic compounds, they must convert this energy to _________ during the process of _______________ __________________ Remember, ________ organisms respire…even plants Sugars (carbohydrates) ATP cellular respiration all

2 Oxygen without aerobic anaerobic Chapter 5
Section 3 Cellular Respiration Oxygen __________________ in the air you breathe makes the production of ATP more efficient, although some ATP is made ______________ oxygen. Metabolic processes that require oxygen are called ___________________. Metabolic processes that do not require oxygen are called _______________, which means “without air. without aerobic anaerobic

3 glucose energy a mitochondrion Chapter 5
Section 3 Cellular Respiration In the process of cellular respiration, __________________ is broken down to produce ____________ within __________________ glucose energy a mitochondrion

4 Structure of the mitochondrion
2 _____ membranes Inner membrane is _________ Space between the two membranes is called the ______________ space Space inside the inner membrane is called the mitochondrial ____________ folded intermembrane matrix matrix Intermembrane space

5 oxygen Carbon dioxide, water The equation for cellular respiration is…
C6H12O6 + 6O2  6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP Which reactant is needed for cellular respiration to be efficient? In addition to energy, what other products are made? oxygen Carbon dioxide, water

6 cytoplasm mitochondrial matrix inner Chapter 5
Section 3 Cellular Respiration The Stages of Cellular Respiration Cellular respiration occurs in three main stages: Stage 1 Glycolysis: occurs in the ______________ Stage 2 Krebs Cycle: occurs in the _____________ _________ Stage 3 Electron Transport Chain: occurs along the folded __________ membrane cytoplasm mitochondrial matrix inner

7 glucose pyruvates pyruvic cytoplasm not Chapter 5 Glycolysis
Section 3 Cellular Respiration Glycolysis glucose Process in which ___________ is broken down into ____________ or _____________ acid Occurs in the ______________ Does _____ need oxygen! 4 steps pyruvates pyruvic cytoplasm not

8 2 2 glucose Chapter 5 Glycolysis: Step 1
Section 3 Cellular Respiration Glycolysis: Step 1 2 _____ ATP jumpstart glycolysis ____ phosphates from ATP join __________ to form an unstable 6-carbon compound 2 glucose

9 2 PGAL Chapter 5 Glycolysis: Step 2
Section 3 Cellular Respiration Glycolysis: Step 2 This unstable 6-carbon compound immediately breaks into ____ 3-carbon compounds called ___________ 2 PGAL

10 hydrogen Chapter 5 Glycolysis: Step 3
Section 3 Cellular Respiration Glycolysis: Step 3 As glucose is broken down some of its ___________ atoms join _________ to form __________, which is an energy storing molecule The hydrogen atoms are replaced by two more __________ groups hydrogen NAD+ NADH phosphate

11 Chapter 5 Glycolysis: Step 4
Section 3 Cellular Respiration Glycolysis: Step 4 The ____ phosphates bond with 4 molecules of ADP to make 4 _______ molecules The remaining products are two carbon pyruvates, which are ions of ___________ ________ 4 ATP pyruvic acid Remember that 2 ATP are needed to start the process, so glycolysis produces a net gain of ______ ATP 2

12 Entering the Mitochondria
Chapter 5 Section 3 Cellular Respiration Entering the Mitochondria The 3-carbon pyruvates are small enough to ___________ through the mitochondrial membranes, where they are each broken down into…. One ________ One 2-carbon compound called an ___________ ____________ diffuse CO2 acetyl group

13 Chapter 5 Section 3 Cellular Respiration This process releases another hydrogen atom which joins NAD+ to make one more molecule of __________ The acetyl group is attached to a molecule called ______________, (______) forming the compound _________________ NADH Coenzyme A CoA Acetyl-CoA

14 Each acetyl CoA enters the _________ cycle to start stage 2 of cellular respiration
It turns __________, once for each acetyl CoA This cycle is name after ___________________, the scientist who discovered it Occurs in ____ main steps Krebs twice Hans Krebs 4

15 Stage Two: Krebs Cycle (Step 1)
Chapter 5 Section 3 Cellular Respiration Stage Two: Krebs Cycle (Step 1) Acetyl-CoA enters the Krebs cycle by joining a 4-carbon compound called _____________ _____________ oxaloacetic acid

16 Stage Two: Krebs Cycle (Step 1)
Chapter 5 Section 3 Cellular Respiration Stage Two: Krebs Cycle (Step 1) The new 6-carbon compound is called _____________ ___________ Since this is the first product of the Krebs cycle, it also often called the _____________ _________ cycle citric acid citric acid

17 Stage Two: Krebs Cycle (Step 2)
Chapter 5 Section 3 Cellular Respiration Stage Two: Krebs Cycle (Step 2) CO2 _____ is released from citric acid, resulting in a ___ carbon compound 5

18 Stage Two: Krebs Cycle (Step 3)
Chapter 5 Section 3 Cellular Respiration Stage Two: Krebs Cycle (Step 3) CO2 _____ is released from the 5-carbon compound, forming a ____ carbon compound So how many molecules of CO2 are made during the Krebs cycle? 4 2, but it turns twice so 4

19 Stage Two: Krebs Cycle (Step 4)
Chapter 5 Section 3 Cellular Respiration Stage Two: Krebs Cycle (Step 4) The 4-carbon compound is _____________, making oxaloacetic acid available for the cycle again rearranged

20 Chapter 5 3 1 1 6 2 2 This cycle also makes energy storing compounds…
Section 3 Cellular Respiration This cycle also makes energy storing compounds… ____ NADH ____ ATP ____ FADH2 Remember that the cycle turns twice, so it is really… 3 1 1 6 2 2

21 Stage Three: Electron Transport Chain
Chapter 5 Section 3 Cellular Respiration Stage Three: Electron Transport Chain _________ and ________ carry high energy _________ to the inner membrane of the mitochondria, where they pass through an ______________ _____________ chain NADH FADH2 electrons electron transport

22 Chapter 5 Section 3 Cellular Respiration The energy released from the moving electrons is used to pump _____________ ions from mitochondrial matrix to the _______________ space hydrogen intermembrane

23 Chapter 5 Section 3 Cellular Respiration This creates a build-up of hydrogen ions which will _____________ through the ATP _____________ pump, producing __________ amounts of ATP diffuse synthetase large

24 Chapter 5 Section 3 Cellular Respiration As the diffusion of water is called osmosis, the diffusion of chemicals, like H+, is called ___________________ chemiosmosis

25 Chapter 5 Section 3 Cellular Respiration The last molecule in the electron transport chain to receive an electron is oxygen gas _______. It binds with hydrogen ions to make _________ O2 H2O

26 Chapter 5 Section 3 Cellular Respiration Without ___________, the electron transport chain cannot pass along electrons and it easily gets _________ or clogged up oxygen blocked

27 Chapter 5 Section 3 Cellular Respiration This is why oxygen is so essential for most organisms…without it the electron transport chain will _____ working and _____ will no longer be produced stop ATP

28 The process of making large amounts of ATP in the electron transport chain is called ______________ ______________________ Oxidation results when ___________ are lost or donated to other molecules Electrons are _________ from molecule to molecule in the electron transport chain Phosphorylation occurs when a ____________ group is added to a molecule Phosphates are added to _____ oxidative phosphorylation electrons passed phosphate ADP

29 Summary of ATP made during cellular respiration
Glycolysis = ____ ATP Krebs Cycle = ____ ATP Electron Transport Chain = ____ ATP to ___ ATP Total… = ____ ATP to ___ ATP

30 Question 1 What substance is broken down during cellular respiration?
CO2 (carbon dioxide) H2O (water) O2 (oxygen) C6H12O6 (glucose)

31 Question 2 Why must glucose be converted to 2 pyruvates in the cytoplasm, before these molecules cross through the mitochondrial membranes?

32 Question 3 What is the first compound made during the Krebs cycle?
Oxaloacetic acid Citric acid Acetyl CoA pyruvate

33 Question 4 Which energy storing compound is not made during the Krebs cycle? ATP NADH NADPH FADH2

34 Question 5 Which molecule is necessary to prevent the electron transport chain from becoming clogged or backed up? CO2 (carbon dioxide) H2O (water) O2 (oxygen) C6H12O6 (glucose)

35 Recall that glycolysis is ________________
As shown in the diagram, its final product is two molecules of _______________ anaerobic pyruvate

36 Once pyruvate is made, either aerobic or anaerobic respiration will continue
What determines which type of respiration will occur? The availability of oxygen

37 Fermentation When oxygen is not present, cells must produce energy through anaerobic processes called ________________ fermentation

38 There are two types of fermentation
_______________ Both follow ______________ because they need one of its products alcoholic Lactic acid glycolysis

39 Look back at this step in glycolysis…what energy storing compound was made?
It is needed for fermentation to continue NADH

40 Both types use NADH to make different ________.
Chapter 5 Section 3 Cellular Respiration Both types use NADH to make different ________. When NADH breaks apart, ________ may recycle back to glycolysis, which gains ___ ATP products NAD+ 2

41 Look at glycolysis again…what ions are needed to make NADH?
Glycolysis and fermentation constantly _______________ NAD+ and NADH back and forth, so that they may both continue NAD+ and H+ recycle

42 Chapter 5 Section 3 Cellular Respiration Fermentation makes much _______ energy than aerobic respiration, but this is sufficient for simple,______________ life forms less anaerobic

43 Chapter 5 Alcoholic Fermentation
Section 3 Cellular Respiration Alcoholic Fermentation Carried out by organisms such as yeast Produces… ___________ Used to produce wine, beer, and bread NAD+ ethanol CO2 carbonation CO2 results in ___________ or ________ in the bread holes

44 Chapter 5 fungi bacteria NAD+ lactate dairy products milk yogurt
Section 3 Cellular Respiration Lactic Acid Fermentation Carried out by some ___________ and __________________ Produces… ___________ What type of food does “lactate” bring to mind? Fermenting ________ with anaerobic bacteria produces __________________ fungi bacteria NAD+ lactate dairy products milk yogurt

45 Chapter 5 Lactic Acid Fermentation
Section 3 Cellular Respiration Lactic Acid Fermentation Lactic acid may also build up in ___________ cells When the average person is exercising and they start to cramp, what do they do? This allows your body to take in more ___________, and resume aerobic respiration muscle stop oxygen

46 Chapter 5 ATP production 2 38 Section 3 Cellular Respiration
Production of ATP 2 Fermentation allows _____ ATP molecules to be made Aerobic respiration allows up to ______ ATP molecules to be made 38

47 Question 1 Fermentation recycles what molecule back to glycolysis?
Lactic acid NAD+ ethanol CO2

48 Question 2 List the products of each type of fermentation below.
Alcoholic Lactic Acid

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