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How is YOUR behaviour?.

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Presentation on theme: "How is YOUR behaviour?."— Presentation transcript:

1 How is YOUR behaviour?

2 But what rights do we all have?
Protection against discrimination Adults should do what’s best for you Right to a name and nationality Own identity Live with your parents unless it is bad for you You should not be sold Say what you think Choose own religion Have friends unless you break the rights of others Privacy Protected from information that should harm you Not to be hurt Have help if your parents can’t look after you Have the best care Protection if you are a refugee Care and education Health care Decent living arrangements Help with poverty Develop your talents and skills Not to fight in war Legal Aid Know your rights Adults know your rights

3 So how does that mean we should behave?
Respect Kindness Care Thoughtfulness Helpfulness The list could go on… Trumacar Values….British Values

4 Some schools have lots of rules

5 A High School in Lancashire
Students should be polite and courteous to staff, each other and visitors. Students are expected to be punctual for school and lessons. Full school uniform is to be worn The school buildings and grounds should be kept clean and tidy. Rubbish is to be put in the bins provided. The school does not allow jewellery to be worn (ie rings and necklaces). It will, however, accept the wearing of one small gold or silver stud in each earlobe but will not accept responsibility for it when it must be removed for sport. Facial and tongue piercings are not acceptable on grounds of health and safety. Students who break the rule and wear jewellery will be told to remove it. The school will not accept responsibility for safe keeping of jewellery that students have had to remove. Students are expected to behave at all times so that that bring credit upon the school. This particularly refers to travelling to and from school, especially on public transport and on the school buses. Students may be banned from the school bus for anti-social behaviour. Students are not allowed to use mobile phones and other electronic equipment inside the school buildings. Any items seen inside the buildings will be confiscated and kept securely until the end of the day. The school will not accept responsibility for personal items lost at school. Students are not allowed to ride, or bring, skateboards or scooters to school.

6 A Primary School in Blackpool
We walk quietly around school We hold doors open for adults to walk through We address teachers by their name We are kind, friendly and caring towards each other We tell the truth and are honest and fair We wear full school uniform and always look smart We line up quietly We have quiet inside voices We bring the correct equipment to school and always do our homework We look after the school building and all equipment

7 Movement around School:
• Inside the School buildings pupils should walk quietly keeping to the left hand side of the corridor and stairs. • When outside the buildings pupils must use the paths and pedestrian areas. • There should be no running around the School inside or out,except in the playgrounds and on the fields. • Pupils must not ‘shout,’ ‘yell’ or ‘whistle’ when walking around the School   inside or out. • Pupils must comply with the one -way system around the school. Pupils must not lean out of windows. Valuables, large amounts of money, radios, cassette, personal stereos, roller boots, skateboards, etc.. must not be brought into school. Mobile telephones, MP3 players and Ipods must not be used in School. They will be confiscated if used anywhere on the school premises at anytime. Mobile telephones must not be used at all during the school day or in the school buildings at the start and end of the day. Motor bikes or scooters must not be brought into School. Bicycles may only be brought into School with a perm it. Bicycles must not be ridden on the school premises. Food should only be consumed in the dining hall. No food should be eaten in the classrooms or elsewhere in the School. Litter must not be dropped around the school. Tippex, other solvent based material, or any illegal substances are not allowed in School. Smoking is not permitted in School nor on the way to and from School. Fighting, violent or aggressive behaviour is not permitted under any circumstances. The use of abusive, obscene language is absolutely forbidden. Offensive weapons such as knives, ball bearing guns, air guns, battons, etc., must not be brought into school or to any school activities.

8 But we don’t need that many, do we?
And what is it?

9 So… Be a Good Egg!

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