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Excellence Aspiration Responsibility Respect Success Determination

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1 Excellence Aspiration Responsibility Respect Success Determination
Kemnay Academy ‘Be the best you can be’ SQA Exams 2018 Excellence Aspiration Responsibility Respect Success Determination

2 Excellence Aspiration Responsibility Respect Success Determination
Kemnay Academy ‘Be the best you can be’ Kemnay Academy ‘Be the best you can be’ Preparation for exams… Check your Exam Timetable – given out in Registration this week; raise issues/ concerns asap(no later than Tues ) Use ‘Study Leave’ in a productive manner Accessing the school on days when you do not have an exam… Use the library. Meet with teachers. Use social area as a place to study. You must sign in at the office & be in school uniform Excellence Aspiration Responsibility Respect Success Determination

3 Excellence Aspiration Responsibility Respect Success Determination
Kemnay Academy ‘Be the best you can be’ Kemnay Academy ‘Be the best you can be’ Exam Day… No need to sign in at office. Wear school uniform & Be equipped. Ensure you have your DOB, SCN and Seat Number. Line up beside seat number in PE corridor at least 15 minutes before the exam start time. (or for AAA pupils report to your room at least 15 mins early) Excellence Aspiration Responsibility Respect Success Determination

4 Excellence Aspiration Responsibility Respect Success Determination
Kemnay Academy ‘Be the best you can be’ Kemnay Academy ‘Be the best you can be’ No phones or electronic/ smart devices. No food. Water only; placed on the floor. Use only black/ blue biro (unless told otherwise). No ‘gel’ pens. No pencil cases Exam papers cannot be taken out of the exam; you can collect a copy of the exam the day after, from the relevant Faculty Head, if you so wish. Excellence Aspiration Responsibility Respect Success Determination

5 Excellence Aspiration Responsibility Respect Success Determination
Kemnay Academy ‘Be the best you can be’ Kemnay Academy ‘Be the best you can be’ Be respectful to invigilators at all times You may not leave the exam before the exam time is up. AAA pupils may leave after the ‘normal’ exam time is up. Fire Alarm – evacuate through the nearest emergency exit (on the direction of the invigilators and stay with them); muster point is the 3G-pitch for exam pupils Excellence Aspiration Responsibility Respect Success Determination

6 Excellence Aspiration Responsibility Respect Success Determination
Kemnay Academy ‘Be the best you can be’ Other information Exams finishing after the end of the school day… Bus pupils; it is your parent/ carers’ responsibility to pick you up. If you are late… Report to your exam room as quickly as you can. You can only enter the exam if it is within the first 30 minutes of the exam starting. If you are absent… Parent/ Carer phone call to the school. Doctor’s certificate will be required. Exceptional Circumstances. Excellence Aspiration Responsibility Respect Success Determination

7 Excellence Aspiration Responsibility Respect Success Determination
Kemnay Academy ‘Be the best you can be’ Conduct… Banned Items Disruptive Behaviour Copying Collusion Plagiarism Excellence Aspiration Responsibility Respect Success Determination

8 Excellence Aspiration Responsibility Respect Success Determination
Kemnay Academy ‘Be the best you can be’ Excellence Aspiration Responsibility Respect Success Determination

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