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Causes of the American Revolution

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1 Causes of the American Revolution

2 Patriots American colonists who believed that the colonists had the right to govern themselves.

3 Loyalists American colonists who were loyal to the British government

4 Neutralists Did not support either side. Thought both groups had good reasons but neither were strong enough to fight a war over. (The war was to far away so why bother) Sitting on the Fence

5 Proclamation of 1763 To keep colonists and Native Americans from fighting with each other the British government drew a line down the crest of the Appalachian Mountains. Settlers had to stay east of that line.

6 Views – Proclamation of 1763
British/Loyalists- Defending the frontier is to expensive. Colonists would have to pay for troops Patriots- Tyranny, it was the only place farmers could get new cheap land

7 What Happened? Most colonists ignored the new law and stayed put or continued to migrate pass the mountains. The British army sent 7,500 men to keep peace on the frontier

8 Stamp Act The War debt from French and Indian War had to be paid
The law required all colonists to buy a stamp for every piece of paper they used. Wills, licenses, playing cards, newspapers, etc.

9 How it worked Tax collectors collected money from the colonists
Money was divided between Parliament and the King

10 Views of the Stamp Act British and Loyalists – British citizens have been paying taxes on everything. The colonists are taxed the least, so why shouldn’t they pay off the debt of the French and Indian War Patriots – “ No Taxation without Representation” Parliament had no right to pass a tax unless the colonists had a voice in Parliament (British Government). It is a violation of Rights

11 What happened? Colonists (Patriots and Loyalists) protested by sending petitions and appeals to Parliament or refused to buy the stamp Sons of Liberty- Protest group that took violent action. Attacked tax collectors Stamp Act was repealed, but Quartering Act was issued. Colonies must provide food, shelter, and supplies to British soldiers. Was seen as another tax.

12 Townshend Acts Parliament passed a duty on certain goods the colonies imported from Britain to pay British debts. These goods included glass, paper, lead, ink, and tea

13 Views of the Townshend Act
Loyalist/British- Believed that the colonists bad behavior made it more important to keep an eye on them. Colonists must pay for the Army sent there to protect them Patriots – Duties were a tax in disguise. They violated colonists rights. “Taxation without Representation”

14 What Happened? The Sons of Liberty organized a Boycott (refusal to buy British products). Boycotts were peaceful, everybody could support. Women (Daughters of Liberty) used home spun cloth, made tea from pine needles, and bought only American made products Duties were repealed because British merchants were losing money. Only TEA will be taxed

15 What Happened ? Cont. The Boston Massacre- Mob violence breaks out. Patriots started throwing rocks and snowballs at British troops. British fire on rioters, five die

16 Tea Act After the Townshend Acts were repealed a tax on tea was left. British allowed one British tea company have a monopoly on tea in the colonies. American merchants could not set their own prices.

17 Views of the Tea Act British and Loyalists – The British East Indian Tea Company needed to be saved. The boycotts have put it close to bankruptcy Patriots – If they can place a monopoly on tea, what will stop them from doing it to other products

18 What Happened? Boston Tea Party- The Son’s of Liberty dressed up as Indians and boarded a tea ship. They dumped 90,000 lbs. in Boston Harbor

19 Intolerable Acts They were designed to punish Massachusetts
Boston Harbor is closed for trade Massachusetts government was suspended More troops sent to Boston

20 Views of the Intolerable Acts
British and Loyalists- It is no longer about Taxes it was about British control of her colonies Patriots- If the King could do this to one colony what will stop him from doing it to others.

21 What Happened? Colonies Unite- Other colonies support Massachusetts by sending aide. Committees of Correspondence- Information of British abuses would be shared between the colonies through newspapers First Continental Congress- Delegates from 12 colonies met to discuss issues. They sent a message to the king and called for another boycott

22 I Can Quiz #1 1. Who (Neutralist, Patriot, Loyalist) would make the following statements about the Boston Massacre? __________ “Throw snowballs men; we do not need their taxes!” __________ “Why won’t they just give us representation and end all of this?” __________ “They got what they deserved, I hope all the thugs are punished! “ 2. Proclamation of 1763: What was it? Why were colonists angered? 3. Stamp Act 4. Townshend Acts 5. Describe two actions taken by colonial patriots to protest the authority of the British government in the years leading up to the American Revolution? 6. Explain what is meant by “No taxation without representation”

23 I Can Quiz #2 1. Tea Act: What was it? Why were patriots angered?
2. Intolerable Acts What where they? 3. Explain the Committees of Correspondence? 4. Explain the importance of the 1st Continental Congress and what actions did they take.

24 I Can: * Identify the Views of: ___Patriots ___ Loyalists
___ Neutralists ___ I can identify the Proclamation of 1763 and explain why it caused conflict between the colonists and British. ___ I can identify the Stamp Act and explain why it caused conflict between the colonists and British. ___ I can identify the Townshend Acts and explain why it caused conflict between the colonists and British. ___ I can identify the Tea Act and explain why it caused conflict between the colonists and British. ___ I can identify the Intolerable Acts and explain why it caused conflict between the colonists and British. ___ I can summarize the events of Lexington and Concord Identify and explain the following actions and groups that protested against British policies ___ Boston Tea Party ___ Boycotts ___ Sons of Liberty ___ Petitions ___ Appeals to Parliament ___ Boston Massacre ___ Committee of Correspondence ___ Continental Congress

25 I Can ___ I can summarize the events of Lexington and Concord

26 Events of Lexington & Concord
Colonies form Militias (Civilian Armies) King George believes the colonies are in rebellion British troops are sent to destroy militia supplies Paul Revere warns the militias

27 Events of Lexington & Concord Cont.
Minutemen gather in Lexington to deter British- “Shot Heard Around the World”, Minutemen retreat. British go on to Concord. Minutemen engage and hold their ground. The British flee. They are shot the whole way back to Boston. Americans proved they would fight for rights

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