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Supplemental Fig 2. Wu et al

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1 Supplemental Fig 2. Wu et al
SI-induced current (pA/pF) at -100 mV P=0.11 NS (n=5) A SI-induced current (pA/pF) at -100 mV B P=0.1817 NS (n=3) C 8 mM ATP 0 mM ATP Supplemental Figure 2. The SI-stimulated channel is pH- and ATP-independent Pollen protoplasts were tested for SI-induced currents in response to incompatible PrsS, first in standard Ca2+-containing saline (pH 5.5) and then in saline in which pH had been adjusted to 4.5. Each bar shows mean PrsS-induced current at -100 mV (mean ± s.e.m., n=5). Pollen protoplasts responses to incompatible PrsS were tested first in standard Ca2+-containing saline, (pH 5.5) and then in saline in which pH had been adjusted to 7.5 Each bar shows the PrsS-induced current at -100 mV (mean ± s.e.m., n=3). The mean I-V relationship of SI-induced current obtained from protoplasts bathed in standard Ca2+-containing saline and dialysed with ATP-free pipette saline (open squares (□), mean ± s.e.m., n=3). Filled squares (■) show the response protoplasts dialysed with standard pipette saline (8 mM ATP, n=6).

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