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Pedigrees & Karyotypes

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Presentation on theme: "Pedigrees & Karyotypes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pedigrees & Karyotypes
How do pedigrees show inheritance of traits? What can we learn from karyotypes?

2 Geneticists can predict the future!
(kind of) Geneticists analyze family history to predict the future appearance of traits.

3 Pedigrees Show relationships within a family
Explain family history of a trait or disease Used to find the probability of a child having a trait

4 Pedigree symbols

5 Roman Numerals represent generations

6 How to interpret a Pedigree
We can determine if a trait is: Autosomal or sex-linked Autosomal disorders- HC1-HC22 Affects males and females equally X-linked disorders - X chromosomes Males are affected more frequently Dominant or recessive Dominant If a parent has it, a child usually does too Does NOT skip generations Recessive Can show up in a child whose parents did not have it Skips a generation

7 Example of a Pedigree Does this show a dominant or a recessive trait?

8 Example of a Pedigree Does this show a dominant or a recessive trait?

9 Example of a Pedigree What is the genotype of the circled individual?
Homozygous Recessive What are the genotypes of the individual’s parents? Heterozygous

10 Pedigree Practice Autosomal or sex-linked? Recessive or dominant?

11 Pedigree Practice Autosomal or sex-linked? Recessive or dominant?

12 Karyotypes

13 Karyotypes Karyotypes show us all the chromosomes in the cells of a person Autosomal = Chromosomes 1-22 Sex chromosomes = X/Y The chromosomes are arranged in number order based on: Size Location of the centromere Banding pattern Karyotypes tell us 2 things: If the person is male (XY) or female (XX) If the person has chromosomal abnormalities Normal number of chromosomes (46) Trisomy-Extra chromosomes (47) Monosomy-Too few chromosomes (45)

14 Down Syndrome Result of an extra chromosome 21 Trisomy 21

15 Sex-linked chromosomal abnormalities
When there are too few or too many “X” Chromosomes Examples Monosomy X (Turner Syndrome) Trisomy X XXY

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