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NCRM Placement Fellowship GO-Science

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Presentation on theme: "NCRM Placement Fellowship GO-Science"— Presentation transcript:

1 NCRM Placement Fellowship GO-Science
Corinna Elsenbroich

2 Based in GO Science, working on the NRA in collaboration with the Cabinet Office.

3 the National risk assessment
Risk Register Landscape of risks and threats the UK faces Foundation of the national security strategy Informing security and defence (spending) priorities Scenario based cost-benefit analysis methodology

4 the National risk assessment
? the National risk assessment Risk Register Landscape of risks and threats the UK faces Foundation of the national security strategy Informing security and defence (spending) priorities Scenario based cost-benefit analysis methodology The Placement More coherent methodology across departments Integrate subjective wellbeing into cost benefit analysis

5 Methodological innovation
Dependency Modelling Bayesian Networks

6 Methodological innovation
Dependency Modelling Bayesian Networks Machine Learning Bayesian Networks

7 Project Plan worthwhile anxiety satisfaction happiness

8 Project Plan Rain Dam break Flood Infrastructure worthwhile anxiety
satisfaction happiness

9 Project Plan Storm/Gale Rain Cold and Snow Dam break Flood
Infrastructure worthwhile anxiety satisfaction happiness

10 Case Study 1 NRA Hazards

11 Hazards Ultimate Causes Risk Events Impacts

12 Case Study 2 Flooding

13 Flooding Combined Model of Surface, Fluvial and Coastal Flooding
Dependency Modelling as a Conference Call Work in Progress . . .

14 Case Study 3 NRA Threats

15 Threats

16 Marauding Firearms Terrorist Attack
Case Study 3 Case Study 4 Marauding Firearms Terrorist Attack

17 Subjective wellbeing Train a Bayesian Network on
ONS Population Survey Four wellbeing questions anxiety happiness worthwhile satisfaction Usable for cost-benefit analysis across NRA

18 2015 2014 2013 2016 2017

19 Data Driven BN on ONS Wellbeing Data 2013-2017
The original data set has quite low levels of Anxiety. Medium Anxiety has a very similar effect on all wellbeing measures. High Anxiety decreases in particular happiness. Very low Anxiety increases in particular satisfaction and happiness show in Open Markov AllYearsWellbeing_learnt_full

20 conclusion Working with policy makers is really interesting!
Dependency Modelling is a great tool for working with experts A lot of openness for innovation but - innovation is difficult terminology matters Donald Yatomi Opportunity for Change 002

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