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July 2018.

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1 July 2018

2 Children’s rights in the Council of Europe: key topics and landmark judgments
Wouter Vandenhole

3 Migration ECt.HR Detention of unaccompanied/accompanied minors (Mubilanzila Mayeka v Belgium; Tarakhel v Zwitserland; S.F. v Bulgaria) detention (art. 5): strict necessity: best interests of child – measure of last resort conditions (art. 3): extreme vulnerability > illegality asylumseekers + children: special protection: individual guarantees: taken charge of in a manner adapted to the age of the children / family be kept together Family life (art. 8) detention of family (Popov v France) refusal to mother to reside in Netherlands with children: unlawful stay – BI significant weight (Jeunesse v Netherlands)

4 Migration (cont’d) RESC
Personal scope RESC: Appendix: => undocumented children? Right to medical assistance/protection of health (FIDH v France) (DCI v Belgium) Right to shelter (not adequate housing) (DCI v Netherlands, 2009) Right to economic, social and legal protection (DCI v Belgium, 2012) [Undocumented adults: right to social assistance - right to shelter (FEANTSA v Netherlands; CEC v Netherlands, 2014)] [

5 Children in family proceedings
Parental abduction application for return grave risk: going beyond what a child might reasonably bear ECtHR 26 November 2013, X. v. Latvia Custody proceedings child’s wishes – involvement in proceedings ECtHR 3 September 2015, M. & M. v. Croatia Residence disputes Duly involved – BI ECtHR 2 February 2016, N. TS. v. Georgia

6 Children in family proceedings (cont’d)
Paternity disputes ECtHR 14 January 2016, Mandet v France Placement into care ~ poverty ECtHR 16 February 2016, Soares de Melo v Portugal ~ illegal surrogacy ECtHR 24 January 2017, Paradiso and Campanelli v Italy Surrogacy ECtHR 26 June 2014, Mennesson v France

7 Juvenile justice Minimum age of criminal responsibility (MACR) (T. v UK) Deprivation of liberty (Güveç v Turkey): last resort Child-friendly procedures Understand and participate in proceedings (T. v UK) Legal assistance from first interrogation (Blokhin v Russia) Opportunity to cross-examine witnesses (Blokhin v Russia) * CoE Guidelines child-friendly justice (2010) Obligation to facilitate reintegration of young offenders – expulsion long-term immigrant permissible? ~ BI (Maslov v Austria) ** art. 37 and 40 CRC

8 More information Building a Europe for and with Children: case-law Council of Europe: research database:


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