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Biology: The Study of Life

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1 Biology: The Study of Life
Chapter 1

2 What is the definition of biology?
Biology is the study of life. Living things do not exist in isolation. They interact with other living things and non-living things to survive.

3 How do plants and animals help us?
Plants and animals supply us with food and with raw materials like wood, cotton and oil. Plants also replenish the oxygen in the air.

4 Biological research It can lead to advances in medical treatment and disease prevention in humans and other organisms. It is used to preserve animals in danger of disappearing. Studying biology will equip you with the knowledge you need to help sustain this planet’s way of life.

5 What are three questions you ask to determine if an organism is living?
Does it move? Does it grow? Does it reproduce? Is fire living? Why or why not?

6 What is an organism? It possesses all of the characteristics of life.

7 What are the characteristics of living things?
Have an orderly structure Produce offspring Grow and develop Adjust to changes in the environment

8 What is organization? All living things show an orderly structure
Each cell contains the genetic material (DNA) to provide all of the information needed to control the organism’s life processes.

9 What is reproduction and why is it important?
It is the production of offspring. It is not necessary for the survival of an individual organism but it is important for the continuation of a species. A species is a group of organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring in nature.

10 What is growth and development?
Growth results in an increase in the amount of living material and formation of new species. Development are all of the changes that take place during the life of an organism. A organism starts out as a single cell and most change significantly over time.

11 Living things adjust to their surroundings.
Organisms live a constant interface with their surroundings which includes the air, water, weather, temperature and any other organisms in the area as well as other factors. Anything in an organism’s external or internal environment that causes the organism to react to is a stimulus. A reaction to a stimulus is a response.

12 What is homeostasis? Homeostasis is the regulation of an organism’s internal environment to maintain conditions suitable for its survival. Reproduction, growth and development, response to a stimuli and maintaining homeostasis are due to energy. Energy is the ability to cause change.

13 What is adaptation? Adaptation is any inherited structure, behavior or internal process that enables an organism to respond to environmental factors and live to produce offspring. Individuals with favorable adaptations will survive and reproduce. Evolution is a gradual change in a species through adaptations over time.

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