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Work and Power.

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Presentation on theme: "Work and Power."— Presentation transcript:

1 Work and Power

2 Work-Energy Theorem Energy is the ability to do work.
Work is applying a force to an object that causes displacement of the object. The work-energy theorem states that without energy, work cannot be done.

3 What are some examples of work?
A force acting upon an object to cause a displacement (movement in a direction) For a force to qualify it must 1. Displacement MUST happen 2. Force MUST cause the displacement What are some examples of work?


5 Examples a horse pulling a plow through the fields
a father pushing a grocery cart down the aisle of a grocery store (Hmmmm… work or a miracle?) a freshman lifting a backpack full of books upon her shoulder (would a junior do work like this?) a weightlifter lifting a barbell above her head a shot-put launching the shot, etc.


7 Work or NOT? Discuss with your partner, alter the cases in which work is not done to illustrate work
A teacher applies a force to a wall and becomes exhausted. A book falls off a table and free falls to the ground. A waiter carries a tray full of meals above his head by one arm across the room. A rocket accelerates through space.

8 Answers No. The wall is not displaced.
Yes! The is a downward force (gravity) which acts on the book to displace it. No. There is an upward force, and there is a horizontal displacement but the force does not cause the displacement Yes the expelled gas is the force which accelerates the rocket through space.

9 Describing Work Mathematically
W = fd W = force x distance Symbol: W Unit: J, Joule

10 Units of Work (and Energy)
The Joule One joule = 1 Newton of force  displacement of 1 meter 1 Joule = 1 Newton*meter Each set of units is equivalent to a force unit times a displacement unit.

11 Example Problem You push a refrigerator with a force of 100 N. If you move the refrigerator a distance of 5 m, how much work do you do?

12 Power Power is the rate at which work is done or the rate at which energy is transformed. work Force x distance P = P = time time For example: If you and a friend push two boxes (identical in mass) for the same distance = YOUR WORK DONE IS EQUAL BUT: If your friend pushes the box faster than you, your friend is MORE POWERFUL!

13 Power Symbol: P Unit: W, Watt 1W = 1J/s

14 Example Problem You do 900 J of work in pushing a sofa. If it took 5 sec to move the sofa, what was your power? W = 900 J t = 5 sec P = ??Watt

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