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Do Now: Your child’s name Your name

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1 Do Now: Your child’s name Your name
Please write the following information on the index card: Your child’s name Your name What is an interesting fact or memorable quality about your child? What is a skill set or quality that you think more young adults need to have as they enter into college or the workforce?

2 Back to School Night Ms. Temmy Kim Family: It’s All Relative Honors
Block 3A & 3B

3 Mr. Kim’s Background B.A. in English from Rutgers University
M.A.T. in English K-12 from The College of New Jersey This is my 13th year of teaching at MHS. This is my 4th year of teaching Seniors, and I LOVE IT!!!

4 I am also a mother.

5 Contact Information The best way to contact me is by After school help: Thursdays in B1107 Also Available: First half of Quiet Study period 1B Available by appointment: 4B and Tuesdays and Wednesday from 2:10-3:10

6 Things to Remember: When someone else's work is claimed as the student's own, that student and all other students involved will receive a zero for the assignment and both the guidance counselor and parents/guardians will be informed. Grades throughout senior year are reported to college, so encourage your children to keep working all year long! This year, we have moved to semester grading. It is very important that our seniors avoid having an INCOMPLETE by the end of the first semester.

7 It’s All Relative Honors
Essential Questions Enduring Understandings EU1. Many different kinds of societies have evolved around a variety of family systems. EU2. Societal changes and trends can change the character of family life and the place of families in the larger society. EQ1. What is the significance of family as a social structure? EQ2. How do societal changes affect the definition and roles of a family?

8 Unit 1: Family as a Social Structure
Essential Questions Enduring Understandings EQ1. How do cultural traditions affect the definition and roles of the family? EQ2. Is it more important to maintain family values and strengthen familial relationships or to maintain the cultural/societal values and traditions of the people and time? EQ2. What is the importance of reflecting on one’s own family history? EU1. Culture is both a unifying and divisive force in the family. EU2. The struggle for collective autonomy and individual autonomy remains a dominant theme in family life. EU3. Reflecting on the stories and conflicts of our families and family histories, allows us to create secure attachments and make sense of our own experiences.

9 Unit 1: Texts This Life” by Bruce Feiler
Chapter from The Family: Diversity, Inequality, and Social Change by Philip N. Cohen Oedipus the King by Sophocles Antigone by Sophocles “Masters of Love” by Emily Eshfahni Smith “A Family Supper” by Kazuo Ishiguro “This Blessed House” by Jhumpa Lahiri

10 Unit 2: Family Dynamics Essential Questions Enduring Understandings EQ1. How do your personal standards and behaviors and your view of yourself affect the relationships you have with your siblings? EQ2. How does the patriarchy impact and affect the individual roles and relationships within the family? EQ3. How does the matriarchy impact and affect the individual roles and relationships within the family? EU1. Understanding or the lack of understanding of your own personal behaviors and standards can contribute to the success or demise of sibling relationships. EU2. Individual identities and familial relationships can be created, strengthened, or diminished in a patriarchal family. EU3. Individual identities and familial relationships can be created, strengthened, or diminished in a matriarchal family.

11 Unit 2: Texts King Lear by William Shakespeare
“Why Siblings Sever Ties” by Sara Eckel “Grandmother’s Victory” by Maya Angelou “Demystifying the Myth of Motherhood: Toni Morrison’s Revision of African- American Mother Stereotypes” by Parvin Ghasemi and Rasol Hajizadech “Oliver’s Evolution” by John Updike “Family Privilege” by John R. Seta

12 Unit 3: The Future of Family
Essential Questions Enduring Understandings EU1. Human growth and development are dependent on nurturing practices. EU2. Every family is different, but all families provide the foundation for future relationships. EU3. Communicating ideas effectively is essential to having family values co-exist with societal norms. EQ1. Why are nurturing practices important within a family? EQ2. Why is it important to maintain a family structure in an ever changing society? EQ3. How can family values co-exist with societal norms?

13 Thank you, and I look forward to working together with you and your child for a successful Senior year!

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