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unit Measurement number 42.5 g 1.05 mL 16 cm measurement:

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Presentation on theme: "unit Measurement number 42.5 g 1.05 mL 16 cm measurement:"— Presentation transcript:

1 unit Measurement number 42.5 g 1.05 mL 16 cm measurement:
quantity with _______ and a _____. 42.5 g mL 16 cm number unit

2 Scientific Notation a really big number: 100,000,000,000,000
In scientific notation all numbers are written in the form m × 10n (m times ten raised to the power of n), where the exponent n is an integer, and the coefficient m is any real number between 0 and 10. Another example: m = 4.31 x 105 m a really big number: 100,000,000,000,000 (atoms in a cell) or really small number: meter (size of one atom) can be written without zeroes by using powers of 10. Expressing very large numbers, such as the estimated number of stars in a galaxy, is easier if scientific notation is used. Do some on the board as examples of moving decimal back and forth (10 min)

3 Scientific Notation 100,000,000,000,000 = 1 x 1014 atoms
(atoms in a cell) meter = 1 x 10–11 meters (size of an atom) Expressing very large numbers, such as the estimated number of stars in a galaxy, is easier if scientific notation is used. Do some on the board as examples of moving decimal back and forth (10 min)

4 Accurate and Precise but not Neither Precise Nor Accurate _______
Yes good acc poor prec is possible with average Accurate and Precise but not Neither Precise Nor Accurate _______ Precise ________ Accurate

5 Accuracy, Precision, and % Error Accuracy: Precision:
how close to the actual or true value Precision: how close to each other (repeatable)

6 Accuracy, Precision, and % Error
% Error = ________ x 100% acc |exp – acc| exp – experimental value acc – accepted (known) value The Percent Error is a form of discrepancy between an exact (known) value and some approximation (experiment) to it.  With multiple data/trials, use average for “experimental”.

7 % Error Calculation: What is the % error if a measurement of 99.1oC is made, but the true temperature is 100.0oC? (Is being off by 9 cm a lot or a little? It depends on whether you are measuring the length of a piece of paper or the distance to here to Philly for the X Games.

8 Quick Quiz! 1. Which of the following expressions has NOT been correctly changed to sci. not.? =  10–3 =  10–5 8,426,000 =  106 45, =  103 Scientific notation change both numbers to standard and compare (Do these on board)

9 Quick Quiz. 2. Which set of measurements of a 2.00-g object is the most precise? 2.00 g, 2.13 g, 1.92 g 2.10 g, 2.00 g, 2.20 g 2.05 g, 2.04 g, 2.05 g 1.50 g, 2.00 g, 2.50 g

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